iv dealt with many pests all have been dealt with, without nuking them with spray or killing them but now I have caterpillars... ladders and genital watering cans of the garden shed comity do I bake out the organic bio-weapons and nuke them it’s bad out of 10 its a 8 *terns key and puts finger...
ok so iv changed the soil theres still no new groth so im thinking its the time of year its the 25 of may in the uk still to cold? after i changed the soil yesterday i lst them and there reching for the light so yay? im really confused growing uesd t be seed germ plant veg harvist done esey as...
ok iv figerd it out this year will be a bit of a bummer but oh well live and lern ill still get a harvist but next years will be better ill prper the soil iv been out side s bit ago thay should start perking up soon iv got one more seed left to what ill do is propear the soil next time clere...
ok so soil here its high in iron i know and were im growing atm theres bambo for hiding it and the sole a foot or so down is stoney and a lighter alost yellow soil
the nights arnt really really chilley here in the uk but there still warming up so it could be a combanashion of meny thigns and when the nights warm up will thay have a grouth spert?
so is it just in a long term shock like when you change pots ? i got that when i changed to lst pots last year for a few weeks when i was gorilla growing
its may here there was 2 days were it raned hevaly the last one beeing 4 days ago iv grown outside befor it was the first time indors and outside i fimed them and waterd them but i let them do there own thing realy i have no way off takeing pics there 4 nodes high one i tryed fiming both seem...
ok so due to something that went wrong inside i had to take my plants and put then in a safe hidden place outside iv taken them out of there pots and put them in the ground i did mix the dirt with a compost and put them in... skiping to 2 weeks later thay have stoped growing iv looked evrey were...