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  1. Steve burns

    Budding marijuana plant smells like beef jerky~

    Hello wise stoners, so I have a 3 foot tall sativa strain I've been growing for around 3 and a half months now and he looks great! Lots of hairs, lots of bud already forming and sweet sugaryness everywhere. The smell of the bud sites is however puzzling to me. It's a strong aroma that draws...
  2. Steve burns

    First time ever growing.

    No it's an alias lol, but my plant is 5 weeks and 3 days old now and she's 14 inches. Got some more pics. I'm gonna need help sexing them soon.
  3. Steve burns

    First time ever growing.

    T I try to avoid calling it a he :b but the burnt tips came from the leaves pushing into the lamp at night. The leaves began to get yellow on the tips and sides a few days ago actually and I dissolved a very tiny anounts of nutrigrow which is like 20/8/12 in npk ratio and I used a tiny bit and...
  4. Steve burns

    First time ever growing.

    Thank you for the info, he really smelled just so bad one day and it smells exactly like the bud did. Once she gets to 15-18 inches is when I'm going to gradually start changing the light cycle down to 18/6 then 14/10 then 12/12 so as not to scare the plant into pollinating itself. I have...
  5. Steve burns

    First time ever growing.

    Hi, my names burns and about 4 weeks ago I was out of weed for a while so I decided I'd go to a very lowly dealer who sells weed for 20 dollars a g and I got some very stinky kushy smelling bud that smelled exactly like silver kush. Anyways, I found a seed in it and decided to try and grow it...