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  1. alienpoison

    [FONT=andy] ART GET SOUL

    S Should I take it as a slap in my face?
  2. alienpoison

    Art of making the best Joint ever

    Hi my fav rolling paper is Zigzag! I thought it would be fun to post it! I got a puzzle book too
  3. alienpoison

    Art of making the best Joint ever

    Hope this gives inspiration to da brotherhood of Jah
  4. alienpoison

    A Seed Trade Section

    Hi you got a great idea there! My friends and I have started to swap seeds out among us! And so I get new strains and fresh seeds!
  5. alienpoison

    Ultimate Strains

    I think we mis judge ourselfs when it comes to the landraces the local weeds! Where I live the best weeds comes from da Lesotho mountains/ rural areas! And the are wicked
  6. alienpoison

    Ultimate Strains

    I Think the puple strains are the most powerful ones
  7. alienpoison

    Ultimate Strains

    What strain do u think is da Ultimate one in any growers garden? I for one likes da Purple ones!
  8. alienpoison

    Epix profile pix! Have you ever ran with pack of wild wulfs?

    Epix profile pix! Have you ever ran with pack of wild wulfs?
  9. alienpoison

    Hi epix nixname! If I may say so! So you live on a farm? I'm in south africa!

    Hi epix nixname! If I may say so! So you live on a farm? I'm in south africa!
  10. alienpoison

    Hope everybody is having a peaceful sunday!

    Hope everybody is having a peaceful sunday!
  11. alienpoison


    Well as I say I'm still green and need to learn allot still from the World of Cannabis growing! I'm into the purple strains. I think growing a Purple Haze is the Ultimate ! I'd like to learn the finer points in growing a epix bud with flavour and a high THC level! So this is a part of me
  12. alienpoison

    I'm going with da motion of da ocean! Just go with da flow!

    I'm going with da motion of da ocean! Just go with da flow!
  13. alienpoison

    [FONT=andy] ART GET SOUL

    When I do my art I try to put soul into my work! My art is not just of the Happyness Leaves, I do Dark/ Goth just depends on the mood I'm in! I think my best art is "the unspoken words" where a pix says a 1000 words
  14. alienpoison

    When ART comes Alive

    I am da Master of my creations! All my pix iv designed is of my own ideas and how I see the world! Enjoy
  15. alienpoison

    Home made Reflector

    I'm always looking for new ideas and tips on how to grow your weed , you take a empty coke can and cut it open! In my pix I'll add you can see it step for step So get cracking and make you one
  16. alienpoison

    I'm new here

    I'm new here