Search results

  1. N

    how many Watts is too many

    I was running close to 5,000 watts with a monthly bill around $350. I did get a call from the power company asking about the increased usage. I explained that i work from home (operating my computer consulting business). computer are notorious for using a lot of electricity, especiaslly 5-6 of...
  2. N

    What would the consequences be if I were caught?

    if weed was growing in the house where your mom lives she would go to prison. you will most likely get busted through an informant, not mail order. if you are growing weed at 17 years of age you will be tried as an adult and go to prison. be careful, they love those young guys. you might end up...
  3. N

    How to survive prison?

    excellent idea. I just did a coulpe of years for cultivation. the best advice i can give is to mind your own business and keep your head down. in prison you are going to see a lot of fucked up shit, but just don't get involved. do your time and concentrate on going home. just remember, you went...
  4. N

    Eyes In The Sky

    the supreme court has ruled that law enforcement need a search warrant to observe your house with thermal imaging. the truth of the matter is of police have a search warrant the are just going to kick the door in not waste all the money on more surveilence.
  5. N

    Buying Seeds

    get a po box. don't have the seeds sent to your grow operation. the chances of something going wrong a extremely small (seeds don't smell), but better safe than sorry
  6. N

    House Fire.

    if the police enter your house because of a fire and find plants they will definately be able to get a search warrant and will not give you the ability to dispose of any evidence. They can keep you from entering the residence until they obtain a warrant. it's fucked up but thats the way it is...
  7. N

    Call the cops on yourself

    that is the stupidest thing i've ever fuckin heard. You are a complete idiot !!!
  8. N

    What # of plants to grow?

    cultivation of even one plant is a felony at the federal level.