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  1. CannaBones

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    You're the best! Thank you!!!!!!!!
  2. CannaBones

    wrinkled leaves help please

    Okay that's not so bad Xo
  3. CannaBones

    wrinkled leaves help please

    Thank you guys. Being a perfectionist is a hard thing to maintain in the garden. I'm due for a watering today/tomorrow. At this point I've been giving them 10 drops of cal mag per gal of water and an organic grow solution like 2 tsp, if that! I don't think I'm over feeding.. Is humidity a huge...
  4. CannaBones

    wrinkled leaves help please

    Hey guys. I'm currently growing blueberry which I heard was a very light feeder and I'm having issues with her now. Damn it! I'm using tlo tea, roots organic soil. Cal mag/grow in RO water between feedings. Should I pH my ro water? Or just give her straight water no additives? Sad sad sad...
  5. CannaBones

    In the jungle

    In the jungle
  6. CannaBones

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Hey guys, I've been doing my fair share of reading but I need more of a solid opinion on LED FLOWERING lights. Currently in a 3x3x6 tent I know I'm going to have to purchase at least 2 lights to cover my area. My question is what's the best bang for your buck? Mars II is what I'm looking into...
  7. CannaBones

    Roots Organic Soil Nutrient Tea Questions

    Hey everyone, been dealing with some deficiencies.. I think its a calcium/magnesium problem. I haven't added cal mag at all until this last week I noticed my leaves starting to speckle. On the other plant there is no speckles just dry leaf tips. How do I go about fixing this? I don't want to...
  8. CannaBones

    Finally seeing roots on clones. Day 8

    Finally seeing roots on clones. Day 8
  9. CannaBones

    Cal-Mag issue?

    They were fungus flies, put out a few yellow sticky strips and looked at them really close, but if they were thrips would I cure that the same as the flies? With doing the "organic tea" I was reading about no worrying about the pH but now I think I need to be gearing it towards 6.5 because yes...
  10. CannaBones

    Cal-Mag issue?

    Thank you!! Its hard not to be discouraged by the looks of it. I'm glad I'm not over doing it though, I've increased my tea a little bit more this time just waiting for the soil to dry up enough for a feeding
  11. CannaBones

    Cal-Mag issue?

    So, the last few days I've been on this roller coaster of trying to figure out what's going in with my plants. I know its not any kind of bug because there's not nesting, but I did recently get rid of some fungus flies by using the round tables that you crumble on top of the soil. I've been...
  12. CannaBones

    Organic Indoor Grow

    Haha I figured so, Thank you for the encouragement! It means a lot ;)
  13. CannaBones


    I'll be adding it as soon as I get off work, I recently watered so I don't want to make the soil too wet. 1 teaspoon per gallon is what my bottle it okay if I dont use the whole gallon? XO
  14. CannaBones


    I figured they would have attacked the other plant as well, but the way the leaves look and veins it has to be a calmag error like blindnslow had said, I feel like that's easier to deal with than micro sized critters lol So if its not my soil we will be finding out real soon
  15. CannaBones


    You are so awesome, I picked some up a few days ago ironically. Should I include it with my regular watering or feedings? Thanks so much
  16. CannaBones


    I suppose it could still be the case but I looked under the leaves and it the same brown as on top, no sign of nests or fungus but the leaves do feel dry and sad at the end/veins so that's why I figured is was soil related and not bug? Ahh I don't know HAHA thanks a ton
  17. CannaBones


    I don't know what's wrong! Please help! I though it was spidermites but I don't think that's the case :( :( My other plant is as healthy as could be.
  18. CannaBones

    Organic Indoor Grow

    I appreciate that a lot! Sending good vibes back at ya!
  19. CannaBones

    Organic Indoor Grow

    What do you mean?
  20. CannaBones

    Organic Indoor Grow

    Hi everyone! I'm new to the community of cultivating and was just looking for some guidance. I have the capabilities of growing some outrageous stuff, I just need someone to take me under their wing lol I'm currently running a T5 light in a 3x3 gorilla grow tent. Plants are rooted in Roots...