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  1. S

    my very first grow. are they the right size

    You did jack the thread. You posted the same picture of yours in this thread.. TWICE on the same page and continue to do so! Make your own thread and post all the pictures you want all day long, there! I think Cathy has learned she needs to do a bit more reading and figure out exactly what she...
  2. S

    Mataro Blue Autoflower ~4 weeks, yellow spots and dying/limp fan leaves

    I went and got the full line of FF nutes. On the back of big bloom it says 4 tablespoons for general feeding/gal. and heavy feeding is 1/2 cup per gal. Should I be using big bloom only at first or tiger bloom in conjunction at regular or heavy feeding (2-3tsp/gal regular, 4tsp/gal for heavy)? I...
  3. S

    Mataro Blue Autoflower ~4 weeks, yellow spots and dying/limp fan leaves

    I posted another thread in the newbie section a couple of days ago showing my plants which was concluded as just burn marks from water splashing on the bottom leaves during watering. I now am seeing more yellow spots developing on higher leaves, while some of the larger and smaller, but lower...
  4. S

    Which inline fan for this cabinet?

    Lol man, I see what you mean and understand the join date concept all too well. There is one other website that I joined in 2003, and it started in late '02, so whenever I post someone has to say something. It shouldn't be like that here, though. I've seen lots of old folks (join date wise) with...
  5. S

    Which inline fan for this cabinet?

    Lots of reading and gathering of knowledge my friend! I've been at it diligently for a while (as you can tell my ladies don't look too awful, so I like to think! :bigjoint:) but in other locations where smell, noise, lights, etc. etc. were of no problems. It's almost as if I like the...
  6. S

    Which inline fan for this cabinet?

    Thanks a lot bud! Completely blitzed at the moment playing the new Halo 4 and am ecstatic to hear this one will be perfect! Just the answer I was looking for! Plus that fan controller is too legit to quit, man! That looks so simplistic and what I need for my setup. I have read great reviews...
  7. S

    Which inline fan for this cabinet?

    Could I have an explanation as to why you would personally pick up a 6''? I understand running a 6'' at lower RPM's will result in more air movement as opposed to a 4'', but honestly it's not that big of a cabinet and there will only be four plants in there. Account for global warming? The...
  8. S

    my very first grow. are they the right size

    I'm not sure Cathy, but from the looks of it roughly ~34 days of vegetative growing and the plants seem to have stretched a lot. Asides from that you could have started cloning a long time ago!
  9. S

    Which inline fan for this cabinet?

    Hello! I have a 400w MH/HPS Sunsystems light with built in ballast in hood. I will be moving from my closet to my grow cabinet which measures roughly 7' tall, 4' feet wide, and a depth of a little over 2'. From my research, a 4'' inline with carbon filter should do the trick, but then again it...
  10. S

    ~21 days into Mataro Blue Auto-Flower + Non auto yellowing questions

    Looking to get a couple more answers on this so I know I have no issues and they are indeed just burn marks!
  11. S

    ~21 days into Mataro Blue Auto-Flower + Non auto yellowing questions

    No foliar feeding here. The plant(s) are at another location and are sometimes watered by someone else, so that's why I thought it could be burnt. Thanks for chiming in! In the original post it says the temperatures stay in the mid 70's, the highest that closest has ever seen is 85 degrees...
  12. S

    ~21 days into Mataro Blue Auto-Flower + Non auto yellowing questions

    If you read, I am not giving them any nutes. Thank you for the reply, however I am looking for someone who will answer my questions not just look at pictures.
  13. S

    ~21 days into Mataro Blue Auto-Flower + Non auto yellowing questions

    Hello everyone, my first post here on these forums to show some friends. Three of these are Kannabia Mataro Blue auto's and one is a non-auto feminized green love potion. It's been roughly 3 weeks since transplated from cubes into FF Happy Frog receiving only 6.5-.7 PH water, no nutrients added...
  14. S

    Cracking seeds in cubes first go this way questions

    4/5 auto flower mataro blue's have sprouted and are looking beautiful, plan to place into their respective pots tonight in Happy Frog and under the 400W HPS, although it will be raised a little above them as to not burn in their infancy.
  15. S

    Cracking seeds in cubes first go this way questions

    I have the cubes under the humidity dome that's sitting ontop of heating pad, great humidity. Keeping cubes very moist. Should I put under 400w hps or wait a few days? Has been a full 24 hours cube.
  16. S

    Cracking seeds in cubes first go this way questions

    I planted 5 auto-flower feminized seeds.php in rockwool cubes, but they aren't like the rockwool cubes I have used in the passed. I had heard these were better from my local source -- they are more of a foamy/"crunchy" material, if that makes sense. Either way, I soaked these slightly and...
  17. S


    I planted 5 auto-flower feminized seeds in rockwool cubes, but they aren't like the rockwool cubes I have used in the passed. I had heard these were better from my local source -- they are more of a foamy/"crunchy" material, if that makes sense. Either way, I soaked these slightly and placed the...