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    The Noobie Grow Off

    What kind of nutrients did you use?

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Im a noob and this is my first official grow.These are some pics of my girl. Day 49 of flower phase. By looking at the pics, how long before harvest? I don't have a microscope to check the trics. Thanks in advance. The strain is Lemon Kush.

    The Noobie Grow Off

    This is what my girl looks like now. Tomorrow is the beginning of week 7 of flowering. Getting to the home stretch. It's almost harvest time.

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I only have a little over 2 weeks left before harvest. I only sprayed about 1/8th" deep. Maybe less.

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I sprayed the top layer of the soil with a diluted h202 mix. Will that harm her? I used 2 caps of h202 per 26oz of water.

    The Noobie Grow Off

    What kind of soil and nutes did you use? She looks great.

    The Noobie Grow Off

    Thanks for the information

    How to use the RIU FAQ

    I'm using my Samsung Galaxy Note3 and I don't have a Signature button in my account settings. Please help. Thanks in advance.

    Do likes disappear wirh deleted threads?

    How do you like a post. I'm using the Samsung Galaxy Note3 and there isn't a like button anywhere on any forum I look at. Thanks in advance for the help.
  10. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    What should I do? I'm a newbie and this is the first time I've seen this through the entire grow.
  11. FATNIZZLE420

    Humidity and mold

    I'm experiencing the same thing. I forgot to turn on my fan yesterday and when I got home from work, there was a white powdery substance on the surface of the soil. It's not on the plant. I'm at day 45 of flower. Will the peroxide and water fix this? I'm so close to harvest and don't want to...
  12. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    45 days into flowering
  13. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I forgot to turn on my fan yesterday and when I got home from work, there was a small amount of white stuff on the surface of the soil. Can anyone tell me what it is? Looks almost like powder. It's not on the plant, just the surface of the soil. I'm so close to harvest and don't want to do...
  14. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I estimate 4.5ft tall. I topped her 1 time so she only has 2 tops. I'm not home right now so I don't have an exact measurement. Can I add nutrients this late to promote better bud development?
  15. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    Thanks for the information. She is in one of those 5 gallon home depot buckets. Shouldn't that be enough room?
  16. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    Is there anything I can do to get bigger buds? I've read in a few other forums the she will put on some weight in the last 2 weeks. Is that rue?
  17. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    ^^^^^^^^ SHOW OFF!!!!! LOL
  18. FATNIZZLE420

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I'm a first time grower. The strain is Lemon Kush. I held the seed for over a year before planting it. I'm at the beginning of week 6 of flowering. Still waiting for the buds to put on some weight. Only growing 1 plant in a 4'x2' space. I'm using organic Miracle Grow and regular tap water. No...
  19. FATNIZZLE420

    All I need in this life of sin is Marijuana, she's my girlfriend!!!!

    All I need in this life of sin is Marijuana, she's my girlfriend!!!!