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  1. Jorbuchon

    Cant seem to sex my plants..

    so its been two weeks since this post anf still no sign of any recognisable sex. they have one tiny bump in the corners but definetly not guaranteed male. i had all male plants in my last grow nd this is not what they looked like. im in my dark period now but i will post pics around 7:00
  2. Jorbuchon

    having trouble with my dark period

    i put a big ass box upsidedown over them and its working so far thanks for the tips rollitupers
  3. Jorbuchon

    Cant seem to sex my plants..

    thanks everyone for such quick replies ! im gonaa just wait it out but ill keep you guysn girls posted im unfortunatly flowering witg 2700k cfls so that obv. has somethin to do wit my sloww flowering but ill hopefully upgrade to hps soon
  4. Jorbuchon

    Cant seem to sex my plants..

    is it too early or am i just fckng blind?
  5. Jorbuchon

    having trouble with my dark period

    i found a big box to put over it to keep it dark thanks everyone
  6. Jorbuchon

    having trouble with my dark period

    yea your right any ideas on how to keep total darkness for 2 plants . also should i go 24 hours dark to induse flowering faster?
  7. Jorbuchon

    I want to be a legendary farmer. Not for the money, fame, or even to get high. Just because i...

    I want to be a legendary farmer. Not for the money, fame, or even to get high. Just because i love watching my babies grow<3
  8. Jorbuchon

    having trouble with my dark period

    since im kinda on a budget and just a little lazy i cant afford to black out my room for my dark period. im currently growing in a 5 gallon dwc. is it possible that i could put another 5 gal bucket upsidown over my plants to give them total darkness or would it suffocate them?