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  1. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    Oh, come on, man. You and I both know that's something we would have done when we were 17. HOWEVER, in a related story, if you're into this kind of thing:
  2. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    Sorry, Sativied. I promise I'll get to know you better before I try something as intimate as blowing smoke up your ass again!
  3. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    Hello, folks. Just a quick message to say thanks for all the responses so quickly! And, to those I have yet to reply to: I haven't forgotten you, and I'm not iggin' you. LOL! I'll get there. I just thought the polite thing to do would be to check out some of the threads posted by the people who...
  4. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    SWEET! Finshaggy is a genius. Back when I was a kid, the friends and I would keep a mason jar full of Everclear. We would use it to clean our pipes, then store it back in the jar. This would go on for ages until things were dry. Then we would evaporate it, scrape up the sludge, and get baked. It...
  5. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    Just smoke? Precisely, Skuxx. 'Nuff said. (I'd 'like' your post if I knew how. LOL!)
  6. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    Hello, ma'am. Thanks for your two cents! And.....I don't know if that's how you're supposed to welcome someone, either.....BUT I LIKE IT! Looking forward to some deep conversations about whether or not garden gnomes come to life at night. Peace! Psssst.....BTW, do you know how to permanently...
  7. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

    Hello, folks. First of all, I would like to state that this is my very first time posting. Please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong, as it is NOT intentional. On to the subject: I have noticed on several occasions that, when people take 1 or 2 second hits, someone always comments that they...
  8. Squirrelfoot Jones

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hey's and howdy's everyone! Here's some boring personal info: 46 year old single parent father. Mother left the kids and I when they were 2 and 4. Haven't seen or heard from her in over a decade. (slightly entertaining tidbit- Yanno how missing fathers are sometimes referred to as 'sperm...