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    I got into a panic mode

    i guess thats called brown baggin it...420
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    Flushing Problem simple question

    drops are easy cheap an they never fail, thats the way to go
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    brown spots, need help!

    let it dry right out so the pot is light when u lift, fluff up the soil around the plant with a tooth pik to fluff up first 1/4 inch of soil .. needs more light
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    What is this Whack Shit Dude Leaf Issue

    your right about well water.. unless its real clean not hard..
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    Worth Switching to MH during last 2 wks of Flower to increase Trics?

    i use only halides and have good results
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    Ballast enclosures

    why have one .. run cooler without it
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    ph keeps droppinh??

    the ph keeps dropping in my tank, i can use ph up and it will b at 6 then 5 hours later its down to 5?? hydroton, 5 gal buckets,runs 24 products.. any ideas?? im stumped.. plants to big to toss
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    ph help please.. does any one know why the ph keeps dropping in my system.. i can adjust it to 6.3 and 5 hours later its back down to 5.. i grow in buckets with the juice running 24 hrs, i use gh product, and hydroton.. im stumped .. thanks for any help and rplys. and how long can i keep putting...
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    Who here uses G.H.?

    per 5 gal 50 ml red 75 ml green 25 ml orange.. so it reads 1200 ppm in tank
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    weed prices

    150 buk vancouver
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    day 58, almost ready to chop?

    when half ths hairs are brown, its done , only breaks down after that
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    4 day bud dryer for $40.

    why dont ya just use window screens
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    Need some ideas on hidden door

    it will sniff it out in 3 seconds..
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    Check this out! WAter quality reports search your city with ease!

    the well water i use is always changing the ph, i use general hydro food and the ph islawys to low i add the ph stuff and its fine for awhile then the ph start dropping again.does the ph up when diluted with water hurt the plants.. yhanks for any reply