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  1. Z

    Healthy Made Seeds

    I had the same problem I've ordered my seeds and they still haven't picked up the money from western union and have stopped replying to my emqils. It's bad customer service and if they want to run a reputable company they will need to do better.
  2. Z

    cuttings getting red stems and yellowing from the bottom

    thanks i use a bluelab ph pen an i am using canna coco a&b. i have been giving them about 5 ml of each i havnt got a tds/ppm metre normally id start low and build up how much nutrients i use an they would be fine, i ph around 6.0. do you think i should get some botanicare cal mag?
  3. Z

    cuttings getting red stems and yellowing from the bottom

    hi i have just received new cuttings and potted them about three days ago. I have fed them correctly and now when i check the plants the stems are red and the leaves are turning yellow with brown spots on them. Also on the leaves itself there is a clear trail on the leaves like a snail has been...
  4. Z

    1200w 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m 4 plants 30 oz goal

    i know i was thinking that but my friends have done grows with him an there noobies an they have confirmed that he gets 30+ out of that sized tent. he defoliates at a certain time an tops them once the day before he flips to 12/12. i was doubtful at first as well but hes going to show me...
  5. Z

    1200w 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m 4 plants 30 oz goal

    hi, someone i know told me they get 30+ oz of 4 plants with 2 600w in 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m space, the strain he does is cheese in 20lts of coco. does anyone know if this is possible? im going to try it myself and il post my diary when its finished