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  1. D

    Anyone tried Mills Nutrients yet?

    pH problems anyone? I have been adding around 3ml per gallon cal mag and keep my Mills around 5ml AB 4ml R in veg. Ive noticed If I leave it in my res aerating, my pH will rise from 5.8 to 6.5 by the next day. Could it be from aerating it?
  2. D

    coyotes got my cat

    Wh Where u at buddy. I'm in lansing area. No experience shooting em but if u give me permission I wouldn't mind sitting out there w a buddy or two and cappin a couple.. We hung birds and other wild game
  3. D

    Anyone tried Mills Nutrients yet?

    Teach me your ways!!! Just starting this line. What have you learned from using this nutrient? Got any tips? I will be growing in COCO. My buddy uses this line and he is actually using less than the LIGHT FEED SCHEDULE and his plants are very healthy. Thanks for your time Dank