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  1. J

    Hesitation over insulating space

    Also, the lamp is air cooled and does not add to the heat, he has already tested that. Light off mid-day is still mid 90's.
  2. J

    Hesitation over insulating space

    Hi all, I am trying to cool SWIM's grow room, since it typically will reach 94-97 degrees in summer, but cools off very quickly when the sun goes down. The daytime weather outside is only like 84-88. He has been told to try using insulation (the pink foam stuff). His only worry is that heat may...
  3. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    haha that's hilarious ! and a perfect metaphor ... I'll be buying clones from a grower, and yeah I was planning to use a soil composite. Is this not optimal? LST looks like a great idea. I don't understand how SCROG's results differ from those of LST, though I see the difference in method...
  4. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    Yup! This is all real useful, I think maybe I will just go with the inline fan running into the lamp and a desktop fan. Does this mean that the vent will be less effective in carrying smell? How are your vents placed to capture smell? I will run the lights for a bit and see how hot they get with...
  5. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    Also I might ask, does your light fixture have the ballast inside it or is it separate?
  6. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    and sorry I meant how much will they run you aka price haha my bad
  7. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    I gotcha. Would you think is 400w enough for 4 OGs in SOG? Cuz your setup is crazy man! haha Is there a convenient way to duct the lighting heat directly to an in-line fan?
  8. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    Hey! Really appreciate the advice, glad to know about the smell and the light. The weather is SoCal so never that hot nor very cold. The AC unit would be an acceptable solution, but how much do small AC units usually run on a good day? Do you have one of those lamps with a venting hood? I've...
  9. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    Sorry about the XXXX ... the room is about 12 feet*8 feet*8 feet
  10. J

    Question about in-line venting and room size

    I am just in the process of designing my medical grow space, and was wondering if I could get some advice about vents. At this point, I have two options, a tent or a room. I will be using a 400w HPS, with four plants. I was planing on ducting an inline fan hooked up to a carbon filter to my...