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  1. R

    First Dwc First Scrog First Thc BombBomb

    The Pictures aren't great but what do you think? Week 3 Day 5... Also What Are Your Experiences with Thc Bomb smoke,taste,yield et...
  2. R

    thc bomb help

    What is the problem... sorry for the poor pics... in 5 gallon dwc... 3 weeks from bean... just started on nutes 3 days ago but was looking like this before that..
  3. R

    What Am I Missin?

    Thanks for your reply! My next question may be a dumb one but I gotta ask. For a 5 gallon lowes bucket, what sizes would you recommend for the grommet, barbed elbow and fill tube?
  4. R

    What Am I Missin?

    Hey guys and gals. So the tent is wrappes, and I'm about to hang the light. Going with a One plant Dwc Scrog. Then I realize it is gonna be a bitch trying to change water once the tent is up so Im gonna have to make a reservoir to feed the 5 gallon bucket. I have the buckets, tubing, air pump...
  5. R

    DWC with linked buckets

    Your Replies and help are greatly appreciated. Advice will be taken. I can get my hand on a 600x hps in the next couple of weeks. And raising to 7 ft. is only I home depot trip away!
  6. R

    DWC with linked buckets

    Thanks after looking at your grow, it gave me a few more questions. 1. Tent is 3x3x4 made with pvc. Is 4 ft. high good during veg? I think I want to swap to 5 ft. high for flower. 2. With a 400w HPS, do you think it would be better to do a 2 bucket scrog or stick with 4 buckets? 3. Thanks for...
  7. R

    DWC with linked buckets

    Do you have any DIY instructions with photos on how to link the buckets. And if I were to use a 55 gallon drum as my reservoir, woul I be able to keep it outside of the tent. Thanks!
  8. R

    400w Hps SoG

    Okay guys. Built a 3x3x4H tent. Have four 5 gallon buckets outfitting for for dwc and one 400w HPS. I need some assistance now on the best way to get the four buckets connected together and have them connected to a reservoir.The main issue I see wight now is height. DO you guys think I should...
  9. R

    400w Hps SoG

    Actually The fridge setup I was looking at was yours! Man you must be a jack of all I am actually leaning to your setups. Do you have any tips that aren't posted in your thread?
  10. R

    400w Hps SoG

    I actually was checking out a fridge setup last night and im definitely keeping it in mind. But now I'm trying to figure out the best setup and design using a 1000w and 400w.
  11. R

    400w Hps SoG

    Thank you guys for your input. Really given me something to think about. I'm still taking all suggestions. I Guess Scrog could work. I would like something perpetual so it can happen. Im Just looking for the best way to maximize my light and space Until an upgrade is available.Just found out has...
  12. R

    400w Hps SoG

    thanks for your input. I was just looking for different scenarios and variables and you definitely provided me with one to toy around with.
  13. R

    400w Hps SoG

    If you had a 400w Hps lamp and the space to do what you want, what would your SoG setup be? A strain has yet to be decided on because setup and design is more important at the moment. Also I understand that their may be threads on this topic, so while I still search if you can think of one, just...