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  1. Dakigreen-san

    Pushing a lower CFM fan through higher rated Phresh filter

    Well I'll be growing in the top portion of this. The bottom has a depth or 20 7/8in and a width or a little more then 42in. The depth will be slightly smaller due to the fact that I plan on installing a light trap made of pink foam insulation like in the pic below for my passive air intake. The...
  2. Dakigreen-san

    Pushing a lower CFM fan through higher rated Phresh filter

    Thank you so much. I'm sorry,and honestly I'm pretty embarrassed. I'd read that FAQ page probably three times before I posted here. :( Just so many questions and so much ground to cover. After looking into it I've went with the 171 CFM 4 inch Hurricane inline paired with a 200 CFM phresh filter...
  3. Dakigreen-san

    Pushing a lower CFM fan through higher rated Phresh filter

    Would I want to buy a 440 CFM fan of the same type, as they do make them, or would it be better to go with an actual inline fan suspended from the ceiling and make due with it sharing space with the lights? If so what would be a good one to look into?
  4. Dakigreen-san

    Pushing a lower CFM fan through higher rated Phresh filter

    Well It's not inline. Its more like the ones you use in your bathroom ceiling to pull humidity out of the air. Is it not the same idea though? I'm working on an idea to put the white grate at the very top of the cab with the fan housing and carbon scrubber sitting inside of a bottomless...
  5. Dakigreen-san

    Pushing a lower CFM fan through higher rated Phresh filter

    Alright I'm completly new to this and am attempting to build from sctratch my first grow cab. I live in an apartment so stealth is super mega important. I've managed to locate a inline fan that people say is dead silent even at full speed. Here is the fan: The fan...