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  1. davie


    Hey guys, just looking for an advice available on my most recent experiment. I'm 12 weeks into flower with a high percentage sativa, she's had her problems with pests etc n she's really been through the mill but hey she's pulled through n she's pushing some lovely buds. She's been getting...
  2. davie

    unwell lady

    Yeah as I said it's gone 10 weeks in flowering already,, but it was heavily stunted due to my harsh treatment for the pests. I did dry my soil a few times but the gnats kept returning hence why I used the sand which worked like a dream but it does take a lot longer now for my soil to dry between...
  3. davie

    unwell lady

    Yeah it was deffo mites,, I saw a few and noticed small yellow bite marks on leaves which alerted me to them. I sprayed it for two weeks whilst also rubbing down leaves with a damp sponge. They deffo seem to be gone now but as I said I did damage the plant trying to bring it back to health
  4. davie

    unwell lady

    Hey there, I'm a first time grower. I'm growing a "bag seed" which has went 10 weeks into flowering and still looks to me to have at least 2 weeks to go, which tells me it's deffo a heart sativa (I think). I'm growing under 11 24w cfl's, which is probably overkill for the one plant, temps are...