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  1. MapleDonut

    OrganiGram open for registration

    Thanks for the info Mary.
  2. MapleDonut

    Any one know

    London is much closer to me than BC ;) Still quite a drive though. Do they do mail order?
  3. MapleDonut

    Tilray updates products with "House Blend" shake

    If it works, great. If it doesn't, vote with your wallet. I'm interested in knowing why it is thought that Tilray has 3 months to sell. Or is that all LPs before the courts think they they are not constitutional.
  4. MapleDonut

    CBD Strains

    Thanks for the offer bigman
  5. MapleDonut

    CBD Strains

    I'm seeing Canna Farms is going to have Cannatonic in "Winter 2014". To me that's the last week of December as that's the only bit of Winter 2014 that hasn't passed already. Good luck!
  6. MapleDonut

    CBD Strains

    Calling CC I'm not sure all of the CCs that do mail order. I've set up with MPN but they don't really have anything right now. I've sent in some forms to the Healing Tree but they haven't got back to me yet. I assume that you need to have a membership before they are going to help you with...
  7. MapleDonut

    CBD Strains

    This is my situation as well. Management level, don't want to get high... I just need pain relief that's not an opiate so I can function. Have recreational stuff for after hours. My Dr. thinks that the CBD strains will be the most helpful for me. I figured I'd give that a shot and see how it...
  8. MapleDonut

    CBD Strains

    Hey Folks... I've been struggling with trying to get some CBD strains for my neuropathic pain. My Dr. is recommending a balance of THC:CBD. I changed my LP from CannaFarms to Tilray because Tilray had Warlock CBD and as soon as I got my new Rx, Warlock CBD was no longer available. So now I'm...
  9. MapleDonut

    Insurance coverage for mmj

    I have a Health Spending Account for my benefits coverage for the company I work for. It covers any medical expenses that are allowable by Revenue Canada. As cannabis is considered an eligible medical expense by Revenue Canada, I can apply for reimbursement for medications and a vaporizer...
  10. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

    Good luck mate!
  11. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

    I actually got an Arizer Solo. Volcano is just too damn expensive.
  12. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

    Its a health spending account and they just what is re-imbursable by what is an allowable Medical Expense with revenue canada. As cannabis can be claimed on your taxes as an expense, I can get reimbursed. I'm very lucky to work for such an awesome company. They even approved my vaporiser...
  13. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

    I'm lucky enough to have my insurance cover the cost of my meds so if I get some of this meltdown (thanks for the advice btw), it will have to be out of pocket, which I have no problem doing if it is going to help me out. Neuropathic pain is a tough nut to crack!
  14. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

  15. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

    I was pretty disappoint. I just sent in my document to Tilray because they were the only LP to have any CBD available. Same day, Warlock CBD is no longer listed and there are only 4 strains left. Today there are only 3. They will restock soon right? RIGHT?!@!
  16. MapleDonut

    My dr finally agreed

    Tilray is accepting now.