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  1. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    16w/sqft is good for cloning and maybe early vegging, if this is a flower room...Ad more.
  2. Chigur

    70 USD shipped WW

    70 USD shipped WW
  3. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    "One of these" can be built to what ever scale you want. How much does the Area 51 cost and what does area does it cover and you'll get an accurate answer. Hell people here are so helpful you'll most likely get a detailed answer anyway. I just ducked in here to let people know that i have a...
  4. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Too many questions, can you check your profile page? Thanks
  5. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Decisions decisions. I cant PM yet but im very interested in that 20 If i run them that soft do i have to use a driver per COB?
  6. Chigur

    Buying cxa3070 3000K AB's, a 20-pack, who wants some ? (Europe)

    If anyone has AB's for sale PM me or leave your email on my profile. Thanks
  7. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    6 x on the way, hoping to get away with one per bar, i ordered lenses for them, At 2 bucks apiece no biggie if they dont work out. Now to find a driver, suggestions?
  8. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Great info, Ive sense you recommend smaller strings due to the danger of loading. Do you think i should keep the strings to 3 for this reason? 27" gives me about a meter coverage which helps doing figures. That driver look perfect, i can add a dimmer when i skill up a bit. What are your...
  9. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Makes sense, what driver would i use to bring them down to 700Ma? Coming from Is this simply double the amount of COBS? Seems im limited by CXA availability, Do the Veros perform as well under driven to this degree?
  10. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Great, what kinda coverage with the ledgin? Yup, got 5 on order for my spotlight cobs, if i build bars ill only need 1 fan per 2-3 Cobs. My is my plan using 6" Heat sink bars from heatskinusa. You think im better off tacking Spotlight Cobs w/Attic cooers to Aluminium bars? Thanks...I...
  11. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Im limited by neither space or heat, If im using Co2 ill have to have the temps high but that and side lighting are things work out once im set up. So 1450mA? How will that effect the draw? Im roughly basing things on 60w per..Including driver-cooling. Just looked at Arrow and ts said 100 in...
  12. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Great info, i helped sell that 100 out, i have 20 x CXA AB's on the way and a request in for 40 more, not in a huge rush but ill keep the Vero's in mind. Waiting on 6" heatsink bars to come available. Do you have more info on the Halogens as flower initiators? Thoughts on bars vs panels...
  13. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Thanks for the replies, not sure i deserve them after saying 110/220v !! "Greatest Efficiency potential"...I like the sound of that. Its like this, i havent much electrical skill but i have a bucket of confidence in my ability and with you lot on my side even more so. The plan is to build a...
  14. Chigur

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Amazing thread, Deep to thanks to the Supra and the other key growers here... HATS OFF! Where i live the power is 220v. ....Seems you are mostly in N America @ 110 Will i need different drivers than the Ebay 50w many of you use...