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  1. purplepower28

    400watt vs. 1000watt

    im thinking about justbuying anouther 400watt to put in the same box as my other 400watt instead of just compleatly geting rid of the 400 to buy a 1000.
  2. purplepower28

    Need help asap???

    well if you dont have a cooltube your best bet is about 15 inches
  3. purplepower28

    hide trap door..

    buid me one of those too while your at it
  4. purplepower28

    Need help asap???

    sounds like your lightcouldbe a little close if the tops of the budslook brown. if your hand gets hot when its sitting the same distance from light as the top ofthe cola then you should probaby raise the light a little. i have a 400watt sitting 2ft away from the top of thecola and it works just...
  5. purplepower28

    400watt vs. 1000watt

    if you can keep the heat down definetly switch to the 1000 watt. ive seen 1000 watt growrooms and compared to my 400watt system you get way more at harvest with the 1000watt. but if you cant keep the heat down its not worth it. good luck
  6. purplepower28

    Tips on harvesting and curing

    Im about to chop my first harvest. i was wondering if anybody had any good tips on curing bud. i want them to stink like hell. :blsmoke:
  7. purplepower28

    Shielding from infared

    well shit where i live we just opened up a new dea department and they have just been flying around looking at houses trying to bust people. this guy i know was just runnning 1 400watt hps and the cops came to his door asking him what he had in his house that would trigger an infared scanner and...
  8. purplepower28

    Indoor grow #1

    thanks bro.
  9. purplepower28

    Danky^danks grow thread!!!! LED lowryder

    those look pretty bro. im about to make my first harvest too. check out my first grow.
  10. purplepower28

    Indoor grow #1

    I use a 400watt hps for flower and a 4ft 4 lamp sunblaze 44 with T5's for veg, 2 red spec 2 blues. works pretty good for now. I have been using foxfarm nutes and soil along with some other goodies like purple maxx, cha ching and some other shit. im working on ventalation for both of my boxes...
  11. purplepower28

    Shielding from infared

    I was wondering if anyone had any info on fooling infared and flir or whatever. i found a reflector cover that is supposed to work. Any suggestions??
  12. purplepower28

    Indoor grow #1

    Does anyone know how to sheild from infared
  13. purplepower28

    Indoor grow #1

    Just a little something i threw together. Let me know what you think.