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  1. wayne pooney

    Wow, I just found an archive of alt.drugs.pot.cultivation and it looks great. Not sure this...

    Wow, I just found an archive of alt.drugs.pot.cultivation and it looks great. Not sure this particular archive has ALL contributions, but definitely a few to start with. Thanks mate!
  2. wayne pooney

    "how much can I expect to grow" - common question, no one answer. So I thought what if we ask...

    "how much can I expect to grow" - common question, no one answer. So I thought what if we ask growers for data and then analyse it (make tables and graphs) Would a new thread be appropriate? I'm asking the same from other boards, so we should get some great insight if enough growers take part...
  3. wayne pooney

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks @strainbank. I have 2 responses already, hopefully will have a few more soon (going to ask an admin if I can start a thread about it). I hope to be posting my first grow journal some point soon too. I'm converting a 120cm x 180cm x 60cm heavy duty shelving unit into a grow box. 2 x G240...
  4. wayne pooney

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello! I'm a long time lurker, but decided to set up an account as I've just created my own website where I hope to take everything I've learnt from forums over the past 16 years (holy shit, just really felt my age...), and share with everyone what the best ways to grow are. I set up an...