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  1. L

    Site safety? Not allot of veterans around?

    there some good questions, keen to find out the answers.
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    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    actually i found they do ship to australia so has anyone tried ordering the legal bud from the tab on this site?
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    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    Lumsden haha getting busted is no fun :( how were the plants going? I have ordered off dutchseeds before and got them no problems :) they grew into pretty big plants before i got busted by family members also :( haha its no good but yeah this year should hopefully be good for us all cant wait...
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    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    dont worry bout the legal marijuana question, i looked into it a little more and relized they dont post to auz.....Bastards....anyway i went for a light stroll through the bush today to try find my grow spot, (yes i am starting a little late i know, oh well) and i ended up getting lost for a...
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    Day 29 Flowering Bagseed 1st Grow in progress - Guess yield?? PICS!

    the characteristics of an INDICA (i.e. short, compact, and high yielding) the characteristics of a SATIVA (i.e. tall, high quality bud, and lower yielding) plus i've heard the Indica leaves are thicker and wider compared to the Sativa leaves which tend to be longer and thinner. for useful info...
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    Becoming an Aussie

    *then they can envy the fact that there not us*
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    Becoming an Aussie

    i cant beleive how little, people know about us australians and our weird and wacky ways. quite dissapointing, i feel i should travel around the world teaching people to be like us, then envy the fact that there not us. im sooo bored, its 3:37am, theres some shitty danozdirect show on, i got No...
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    any aussie growers out there?

    auzzie rep, cant get enough of our fine country, what states our people from? and how many girls do you have crunking?
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    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    anyone live on the Northern Beaches or Chatswood area, Sydney??
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    BBB - Bowls Before Bed

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh :( i cant sleep!!!!!!
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    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    has anyone tried clicking on the legal marijuana tab in the top right corner of this website. reason i ask, i was wandering if anyones actually ordered any from there becuase the prices are insane. + i wanted to know if the stuff actually gets you high like illegal bud. i very much doubt it...
  12. L

    BBB - Bowls Before Bed

    too true. thanks mate, it is appreciated. :)
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    BBB - Bowls Before Bed

    i love my BBB. its my main smoking time, sure with a group of mates passing the bowl around is great but the BBB is so personal + its youR cone every time. sooooooooooo devoed, couldnt get on tonight. called my mate at 3pm he said to call him back at 5pm so i did then he said, 8pm so i did...
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    Auto-Flowering Dwarf Plants

    i saw that kind of strain on the attitude website, looked pretty interesting, was thinking of ordering some aswell but dont know enough about it. if you do end up getting some let us a know how it goes
  15. L

    Is my stealing justified?

    ive stolen noogs from a close mate before and afterwards even though i was mashed i still felt like shit for doing it behind his back. in the end stealing weed from a freind/mate isnt worth it (especially if you live with them) as i find you dont enjoy the high nearly as much cause your to busy...
  16. L

    Anyone get seeds into Australia?

    hey 007, so did you end up using a fake name when ordering the seeds and did you have any trouble through the delivery process?
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    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    Hey hey fellow Australians, im starting a little late this year only just germinating 13 seeds i found in my draw from previous smokes. but im definatley keen to see the little seedlings grow into something of value to me. ive attempted growing before, indoors, it lasted about a month...
  18. L

    Aerogarden Grow Journal

    impressive, how much did your set up cost? let us know how it turns out. cheers.
  19. L

    First time growing

    dont mean to sound stupid but what do you mean by 12/12??