Search results

  1. Peace Warrior

    What does it mean to be organic?

    Hi, I'm running my first complete no till. I have found root aphids!! Can I use azamax? then reinoculate with compost teas then use the predatory nematodes? I already killed the worms because I let the soil dry out because I thought I had fungus gnats. My plants are already turning yellow and I...
  2. Peace Warrior

    Beneficial Nematode Video

    Hi, I have gnats. It's my first no till and I've been reading so much my head is spinning. I must take it all in slowly. I think I over watered after putting my babies into the 15 gal pots. I was worried that my soil would dry out and the worms would not be happy. I have also been dealing with...
  3. Peace Warrior

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thanks, I thought so an some of them but not completely sure. I was wondering when people do a top dressing with earthworm castings do they make it muddy with water or just put in on dry?
  4. Peace Warrior

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    More questions. What do all these stand for? I have been reading and reading and everyone else seems to know so they don't explain. I've even done searches but find all kinds of other meanings. ACT, EWU, FPE, CaCO3, SPR.
  5. Peace Warrior

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thanks, I will.
  6. Peace Warrior

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Does anyone have or know of a recipe for no-till that uses coconut coir instead of peat-moss? Or can I just replace the peat-moss using any of the good no-till recipes?
  7. Peace Warrior

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thanks, It's great to get support and suggestions from people that have experience.
  8. Peace Warrior

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I'm new to notill. I have a dilemma. Short story. I had broad mites:( There gone naturally with neem, and many essential oils used at a spray. Also, I have used fresh aloe and coconut juice in a spray on off days along with compost and botanical teas. They are now happy. I put a top dressing on...
  9. Peace Warrior

    New to on-line forums

    New to on-line forums