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  1. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    Not sure what to tell ya chuckie...if your experience wasn't good the first time, why repeat it? If your standards are based on who accepts credit cards, we won't go very far
  2. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    If it's possible for you,try them(GDP) outdoors,at least you won't waste electricity on them if they're no good. I and few of my friends also tried ms canada for single seed and got our's a good way to try alot of strains without having to buy a bunch.
  3. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    like i said, i order from breeders(dr.krippling,seedsman,dinafem,barney's farm,greenhouse) all of them send to my country. If i where to go with a seed brocker,i would go with Herbiesheadshop that i've used a few times
  4. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    Thanks but i'll keep ordering my seeds directly from the breeders like i usually do. From my part, i do care if my fellow grower gets scam. That's why i reacted to that thread and will react in the future for that matter.
  5. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    hurt your feelings...we are talking about a seed broker,not world peace! i'm happy for you if this company does it for you,but i and many others have been mislead by them. i also have the feeling that you do alot of publicity for them here on this site...which is kind of spaming you know?
  6. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    hahahaha! by doing a CHARGEBACK ,i reimbursed myself MSNL SHOULD NOT EXIST
  7. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    for a well-known member i think your behaviour shows exactly my point
  8. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    if your basic info on how to grow is have a problem!!!hahahahahaahah!the publicity,the bots...if you are not àaware,let'a just most wore good one strain was....come on !!!
  9. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    please keep on spaming this just showing you're true sight...
  10. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    If you go on their facebook page, you can see alot of messages from people complaning about never receiving their order or the poor quality of the seeds...MY SUGGESTION WOULD BE TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD IF YOU REALLY HAVE TO ORDER FROM THEM, THAT WAY YOU CAN DO A CHARGEBACK IF THEY TRY TO SCREW YOU!!!
  11. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    For those of you that like me have not received your beans,if you paid by credit card you can always make a CHARGEBACK and at least get your money back!
  12. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    you are from the USA where weed is legal in a couple of states and you still order seeds from UK banks?
  13. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    i have tried to reach them threw emails but they have not beans and no money! So my advice for anyone reading this is to stay away from MSNL. Make your research a little bit more thoroughly and you will see that i am not alone with the same results.
  14. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    i'm happy for you! so far no good for good review.
  15. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    i also have other resources but they had nice discounts and sales i wanted my hand on...
  16. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    it's been close to a month now and i have gotten nothing
  17. L MSNL Seed Bank review

    I'm waiting to see how a transaction will end and will let you know in every detail the end result. If this site is a scam,i will let everyone know.
  18. L

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    Don't bother with the brands...what's important is the NPK,those three numbers on your product! I would suggest reading about the different stages and you will understand why numbers are changing at different stages. Then maybe you could flirt with some additives knowing why you are doing it...