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  1. R


    With adjusting the ph. How long should this take to straighten out?
  2. R


    I use advanced nutrients. Part a and b with b52. I have not used them in 2 weeks because at first the problem looked like note burn to me.
  3. R


    80 degrees, 50 percent humidity, watering about once a week, advanced nutes, distilled tap water, basic soil no added ferts. I tested ph of my water jug today and seen it's down to 5 ... that could it no?
  4. R


    Hey so I can't really find anything similar online or in my book, my leafs are twisting and drying put on the edges then later stage turning yellow/brown and getting dying spots. There are pictures I posted from first stage on. It is also starting from bottom to top of plant it seems. Any help...
  5. R

    veg flower or outdoor

    So I have come into a problem. I have started some mothers there was an issue with my timer they started to flower to the point we're there is little groups of pistols starting ( clusters are size of a green pea) in panic I have had them back on 18/6 trying to get then into veg. now I was...
  6. R

    Can Anyone guess what this is?

    Newer growth is getting it as well, not all damage is on out side of leafs. Some leafs also a little limp.
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    Can Anyone guess what this is?

    See that's what I was thinking at first, but could similar damage be caused by fungas gnates?
  8. R

    Can Anyone guess what this is?

    I have a pretty good idea but I want to see what others come up with first.
  9. R

    plants light green/yellow with brown spots

    No, they are planted in a seedling starter soil from local greenhouse store.
  10. R

    plants light green/yellow with brown spots

    Hey guys I'm sorry for some reason I could not see the pictures in the read first page. My seedlings are about 2 weeks old now and are Starting to turn light green and yellow with some brown tips on lower leaves, I also have