We are totally buzzing at The Vault to be able to announce the return of Gary Eff to the team!
Read more at https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/gary-eff-cannabiz-marketer-re-joins-the-vault and of course in true Vault style there is a chance to win some seeds too!
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Read more, get a 10% discount, and...
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Win FREE MOC Cannabis Seeds and get a 15% discount code off all MOC seeds at The Vault:
8 winners in total on The Vault blog
Buy any pack of feminised Monster Genetic Seeds and get a FREE Monster Gorilla Glue feminised seed!
Visit the link to learn more about this offer, get a 15% discount code on Monster Genetics and enter a free draw to win 5 Monster Gorilla Glue seeds and a Vault T Shirt...
Kannabia Seeds freebies are back at The Vault, visit the link below to learn more, get a 15% discount code and enter a comp to win FREE Kanabia Seeds!
Learn more about this deal, get your 15% discount code of all Heavyweight Seeds and enter a draw to win some free Heavyweight seeds and a Vault T Shirt at https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/buy-heavyweight-seeds-get-free-heavyweight-seeds-2
Win a goodie bag with seeds and more from these 2 breeders and a Vault T Shirt.
Enter now at https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/heavyweight-seeds-and-monster-genetics-giveaway