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  1. flyingspur

    did i get autos

    This is maybe three months. I had two others show they were male. At the first of the month. They are ak47 my buddy sent. He said he don't mess with autos and his are fine. Wtf?
  2. flyingspur

    lemon tree seedling

    Everybody's looking pretty good. There's an update on mine. Had three others but something ate them. Have a good weekend yall
  3. flyingspur


    Thanks bro. And I guess I should have said. I'm outdoors and not really trying to Go small just having fun and want a crazy looking plant. And sharing my experiment. I got the idea from my cousin in Nebraska. I guess they grow with a chain link fence on top and the buds come out the holes. So...
  4. flyingspur


    Thanks for the info and it really wasn't a question. Other than have you tried this. There is a lot of info on the net but I like the advice and comments I get here I get good ideas and alsotry and give some out . Thanks for your time
  5. flyingspur


    I've tried this with several different plants but never marijuana. Anyone try this or have any tips or suggestions. The first pic is what I'm trying to accomplish. The others iswhat iI got going. I'm slowly bending it over and letting it even out.
  6. flyingspur

    Would you rather?

    300 years to the beach on mushrooms or the casino
  7. flyingspur

    Would you rather?

    Ended that shit what the fucks spit ball
  8. flyingspur

    Darkzero's grow season

    Maybe cause of the crab shell meal. Probly smell it
  9. flyingspur

    Legal Security Plants

    Get a jasmine they smell wonderful most of the year I guess depending where u r
  10. flyingspur

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    I got 2 okra that leaves are staying very skinny. Never seen it before looks like pot kinda
  11. flyingspur

    Is my plant already flowering?

    I did an experiment this winter and and got about the same size plant but u just stated my friend. This is what I ended up with. Its still drying if I had to guess a half
  12. flyingspur

    lemon tree seedling

    Doing good. How about y'all?
  13. flyingspur

    regrow celery

    Right on good luck I've done it in a window and out side
  14. flyingspur

    regrow celery

    I'm sure y'all have seen this. But its a fun one to do with the kids. Keep the bottom stalk of your store bought celery. Put it in waterrfor a few days and then in soil. It grows rather quickly
  15. flyingspur

    three sisters

    Corn is early sun glow hybrid. Squash is pic and pic hybrid. Kentucky wonder pole. All burpee from home depot. The weed came up behind work in December under a flood light. I let it grow a while and took it home to bud. All we got here is called krippy or Jamaican yard weed both knock you on...
  16. flyingspur

    three sisters

    I got corn , pole beans and summer squash going. Got my first two ears of corn a ton of little squash. I love this time of year. Here is a pic of the three sisters and their two step sisters okra and Mary
  17. flyingspur

    lemon tree seedling

    I got three now one is in part shade most of the day and it is doing the best. I'll post a pic after work
  18. flyingspur

    lemon tree seedling

    After reading this a maybe three weeks ago I also planted three and I got 2 sprouts very quickly I do live in the subtropics pics are of the lemon and one of my sour orange that is maybe five years . Good luck my friend
  19. flyingspur

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Don't know the strain. Seeds came in a care basket from a buddy
  20. flyingspur

    Backyard outdoor in chicago

    Most were given to me by a guy next door that was moving. I buy the palms you like just for cover. They also let a ton of light through. I had one in Kansas for several years. But they still got more humidity than you. Just pull it inside for fall and winter. But they are cheap even if it...