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  1. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    Very cool dude. Always been curious about led, never had the balls.
  2. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    it's about to be lights on in one of my rooms. You want me to shoot a short vid so you can see?
  3. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    Wow that's fresh bro. What'd you use before? How's the quality? Yield?
  4. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    The tray itself is only like 5-6 inches deep. You can put it on any type of stand though you can buy metal frames that are about 2 feet tall. You can even lay bricks down with wood beams and make it rest on the ground. As long as you make they back higher so it has a slant to drain. I suppose...
  5. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    Oh those are 4x4 tables. You can get them at any hydroponics store for about 100 bucks. It's like a huge tray with a hole at the end so you can water everything and collect runoff in one place.
  6. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    In California you can get a caretakers license and grow 6 plants per patient, up to 4. So technically you can grow up to 24 plants here. If you got serious, 24 plants could yield (realistically) 12 pounds per 3 months Probably more than you could ever smoke. You'd probably want to consider...
  7. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    That does help . Wish I could show you the whole facility. That's just one corner of one room. Time to move to cali my brother. ;)
  8. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    This is how I clone
  9. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    Gotcha. Yeah I like the idea of improving your strain by reproducing the bomb phenotypes. Still think you should dedicate that halide to veg and use simple fluorescent for clone. Clones just need a warm humid environment with decent light. You should also consider clipping the leaves to avoid...
  10. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    Your clones look big enough to be in veg. Are your cuttings that size? I do a few hundred clones every 30 days and I never use cuttings that big. I also don't waste my amps on clones. They go in a tray with plastic cover and sit under t5s until they grow a beard, then it's off to veg. My...
  11. RockDiesel

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    You use led for flower too?
  12. RockDiesel

    Solution 3 anyone?

    I'm with you. I have a cycle end every 30 days. I'm constantly trying different foliar sprays. It's more of a curiosity thing to me. I'll pick a table and spray it with one product. Once in a great - and I mean great - while, I notice a difference. I used to hump the chemical makeup of things...
  13. RockDiesel

    Solution 3 anyone?

    Dunno brother, it's at the shop. I try new stuff all the time. My buddy had 2 bottles and gave me one to try. My actual hydro recipe is down to a science. This stuff I just play around with. That's why I only sprayed one table.
  14. RockDiesel

    What's up!

  15. RockDiesel

    Solution 3 anyone?

    Haha dude I wouldn't need a gallon. The small bottle I got for 60 something bucks makes 9 gallons. 60 to 120 bucks per cycle isn't all that bad. If it gives me even a 5% increase in yield it's well worth it. So far, it's improved the veg. Well see when it's chop time....
  16. RockDiesel

    What's up!

    What's up man! Thanks for the welcome. I went from 1k hps to 1k gavitas, gave me a 20% increase in yield. They're so bright dude I genuinely can't work in my rooms without sunglasses now. Good luck brother, enjoy.
  17. RockDiesel

    Solution 3 anyone?

    Yes, after we acquired technology from the area 51 incident, we were able to fly there, but the pics are fake. The real landing is where Obama was born (hence the fake birth certificate) and where Islam started. Saw it all on fox news.
  18. RockDiesel


    Probably won't get much traction here but.. Anyone feel like sharing what they're doing for trellises/support? It's always interested me to see the unique creativity in building supports. Would love to thumb through some pics. I use a 4x4 pvc cage with netting.
  19. RockDiesel

    Solution 3 anyone?

    And the moon landings didn't happen either, right?