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  1. OneHitDone

    Humboldt Seed Company FEM Sampler - 3 Genetics!

    Assortment of Humboldt Seed Company Fem Seeds. Included: TRAINWRECK Fem 3 pack PISTACHIO Fem 3 pack NORTHERN NIGHTS Fem 10 pack $60 Shipped within the Continental USA
  2. OneHitDone

    Boogy Blue Plus Water Filter ?

    That is not an RO system. It is just a carbon filter. Your minerals are not being fully stripped form the water. The recommendations @by2 gave are a good general rule for source water in general ✌
  3. OneHitDone

    Project Mayhem - Tyler Durden's Perpetual Grow

    Just realized I have come across your journal before.:oops: What are you running for nutrients?
  4. OneHitDone

    Fungus gnat experiment #569

    Do you have a journal on your aero setup / nutrient / Bennie program?
  5. OneHitDone

    Fungus gnat experiment #569

    What application rate have you found to be effective for results?
  6. OneHitDone

    Fungus gnat experiment #569

    Do you have a preferred BTI product for use in Aero? ✌
  7. OneHitDone

    I hate trimming thread!

    Trimming doesn't have to be such a dreaded chore. Invest in a Tom's Tumble Trimmer and don't look back!
  8. OneHitDone

    Advanced nutrients in rdwc?

    You didn't state the application rate. From what I gather if your running much lower than feed chart doses there is not enough of the buffer component to keep ph in range. Also, is the ph high right when you mix or several days after bubbling?
  9. OneHitDone

    Triangle Kush BX1- Sunshine State Seed Co

    Old school pack of Triangle Kush BX1 from Sunshine State Seed Co I believe these are circa 2016 $25 shipped within the Continental USA
  10. OneHitDone

    Dankonomics Genetics

    Realize this is an old thread - looking for info on Dankonomics genetics Green Crack x Stardawg 2 I have a pack sitting here and trying to determine if it's something worth digging into in 2025? ✌
  11. OneHitDone

    When to start seeds indoors for spring transplanting with a current grow in my tent?

    Have your heard of 12/12 from seed? The plants will go into flower very quickly. Look back at some of the "Party Cup" threads for an accurate timeline. ✌
  12. OneHitDone

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Just put in flower Squirt and Donutz, I have Jelly Donutz, Poddy Mouth, and Caramel Cream that just put on first true leafs. Growing them all in 3's so hopefully a good one of each
  13. OneHitDone

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    How did the Fem Humboldt Seed Company gear work out for you? Anyone else have input on their Fems? I a couple varieties I just moved into flower and another 3 varieties just popping for a future run. Figured drop 3 beans of each and pick the best of the three and then make a decision weather to...
  14. OneHitDone

    Calcium deficiency in high pressure aeroponics

    I have never used Advanced products but had a discussion with one of their tech guys as I have been curious about the line for some time. We were talking more Connoisseur vs Sensi and the suggestion was that too low of a dose contributes too little of the ph buffering chemistry to the solution...
  15. OneHitDone

    New LEDs: Are they overpowering them just for the sales pitch?

    That would suggest that the proper lighting strategy is to design for the driver to be ran at 100% while having a sufficient quantity of led's and proper circuit design that is "under driving" the diodes themselves with the driver going full blast. That was the point I was making. Brand XYZ...
  16. OneHitDone

    New LEDs: Are they overpowering them just for the sales pitch?

    To expand on the great info you have laid out here - I think some are confusing "dimmer" under-powered diodes with a properly designed light. A high end light will be under driving the diodes even when ran at 100% driver power output. Buying a cheap special and turning it down is just simply not...
  17. OneHitDone

    Overwatering or nitrogen toxicity?

    Looks like possibly too much light. Color looks fine from what we can tell in the photos :peace:
  18. OneHitDone

    Calcium deficiency in high pressure aeroponics

    When running bleach, do you ever check for Free Chlorine in the nutrient solution or just go by a calculated addition? ✌
  19. OneHitDone

    Calcium deficiency in high pressure aeroponics

    What is the % of hypochlorous acid on the product you are using? Salt is a no go. I have a Hypochlorous generator and have tried it. You will fry your plants from the excess sodium. They are recommending Potassium Chloride be used for agricultural applications rather than Sodium Chloride (Table...