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  1. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    Did not get around to getting photos off my phone, but I do have an update. My buddys mom is in from out of town and she is a master gardener. She looked over my entire grow and setup and said the patterns of the troublesome spots are related to the top fan path and suggested that I turn off the...
  2. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    The lights I have are extremely affordable and reliable. There is an entire thread dedicated to a grow with them and LOTS of feedback even the Mars Hydro rep joining in. I was hesitant at first of them but once I read through all the threads I was excited...
  3. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    Oh really, I currently have General Organics BioThrive Grow 4-3-3. Maybe I will add in some next watering in addition to the calmag, especially if I am not seeing any improvement before then. Do you know of any guidelines of what is generally good levels to have? I might need to pick up a grow...
  4. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    I thought that too at first, however I couldn't imagine how that could be when they were perfect for a few weeks under the one LED in the smaller tent. Hopefully it is a calmag thing.
  5. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    Ahh I did not know that, I just put the soil in the pot and soaked it, then added my clone and did the same when I put them into the 3gal pots. The only instructions on the bag are "Sensi Soil fills the bottom 20-70% of the final pot. Use Sensi Lite or other quality nutrient rich based soil...
  6. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    OK so my the soil I am using states 3# - 25# so that is why I am using 3 now. I will go bigger next time, so thank you for that tip. I think it is a Mag deficiency for sure, I had forgotten that using LED's you will need to supplement extra Mag and Cal for some reason. I am going to look into...
  7. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    Thanks for the respons! I have not given them any extra nutes due to the soil maker saying only add water unless using reverse osmosis water which I am not. So you think it could be a magnesium deficiency? I just looked that up and sounds like it could be. I also read that major of the time...
  8. Justin_GC

    Super Soil & LED grow problems

    Hello all - After looking and looking and trying a few things on my own I have decided to post here asking for mercy and your help. This is my first grow. Within the past two weeks my clones have started to show signs of problems on the leaves. Everything was going great and then I upgraded to a...
  9. Justin_GC

    Marshydro Led grow...

    I do not have it digitally yet, I have been keeping track on pen/paper and with photos though. I could make it all digital and share it out. Anyone have ideas of good places to do that? EDITED: OH here is a photo of the lights and new tent. My light hangers were not long enough for the new...
  10. Justin_GC

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hi Sarahu - I do as I stated above in my first post on this thread a few posts ago. I actually just moved into a 4x2x7 tent last night.
  11. Justin_GC

    48x24x60/84 or 32X32x60 Grow Tent advice

    Just for an update incase anyone else comes across this. Per a conversation on Reddit /r/MicroGrowery I went with the 48x24x84. Makes more sense for multiple plants in a row making them easier to get to. I also was recommended to get the 84 as said better to have too much than not enough.
  12. Justin_GC

    48x24x60/84 or 32X32x60 Grow Tent advice

    Hello everyone, I am looking to buy a new grow tent. I currently have a 30x18x26 by Lighthouse Hydro Hydroponics. I want something larger for sure just not sure if I want a 48x24x60/84 or a 32x32x60. I have the space for either, just not sure if square space or rectangle would be best for my...
  13. Justin_GC

    Marshydro Led grow...

    First time grower here. I started reading this thread after researching if the Mars Hydro lights I picked up are bad or not. I am really excited about what I have read so far, and that the LED's I got are going to rock. I figured I would go ahead and make a post in the thread with my info. I...
  14. Justin_GC

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Hey everyone! Created an account a few days ago. Just about to our very first grow with in a 30x18x36 tent in our apartment. Hoping to tap into all the awesome knowledge on this board, and hopefully some day be able to contribute myself. Glad to see mention of Cloner's Market in the post...