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  1. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    First plant done 19.6grams cured and smoking atm and its killer :) very happy with my first yield an grow plus second plant almost done and it's bugs are twice the size :) more water oops :)
  2. indoorgrow

    my closet setup

    Thanks very much at work ATM
  3. indoorgrow

    Running out of room vertically... need advice

    Yup :) There's no way u can stop a plant at the height it is in veg without doing anything its against the plants basic DNA to grow towards light theres no quick fix to this problem ahha gotta take the extra time every time u visit your baby's and get as much direct light on them bud spots as...
  4. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    What do u think my plants are doing there running up the sides and the lights are in the middle exactly what u just explained and my light is contained and affecting 2ft down 2 feet across and 3ft long so only 16sq feet so for my light setup I'll get more per watt then u are thinking
  5. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    I would rather have 50 one gram popcorn nugs then 2 10gram colas and 10-15 popcorns
  6. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    Idk I think I will get more then that for sure IMO my friend grows mini plants in 1'x1'x2' boxes with two 23 watt cfl with a half gallon pot and a computer fan and yields 11-15grams off each plant in soil. everything from dollar store.
  7. indoorgrow

    Running out of room vertically... need advice

    U have no other choice but to do some type of method to keep them lower and all the methods mostly improve yield at the end so it's worth the 5-10mins extra every 2 days or how often u water just gotta bend it more or tye more down
  8. indoorgrow

    Running out of room vertically... need advice

    Go to the dollar store they have big tomato stakes that are about 3 feet tall bend the tops over and the down with a string or loose thick wire on one of the rings, tye them like this it will get more light in the middle and improve your yield!!
  9. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    And I'm not about getting closer as I ran out of old sockets try my best to get as much light on as much budsights evenly as possible to promote even growth at the same rate.
  10. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    I have 4 23 watt one 7watt led and one 150eq one not sure on wattage on the 150 dont remember
  11. indoorgrow

    my closet setup

    from now on im just gonna learn some more readup on some thread and posts for next time and u guys will see a major improvement since i have ocd i check on them all the time once im done work check for anything thats out of the ordinary help leaves over other leaves treat them like my kids so...
  12. indoorgrow

    my closet setup

    nope i literally got seeds and when they sprouted knew nothing what so ever about growing just let them grow from january 25th under 4 fluresent lights 4 ft high ahha i thought bigger the plant more buds right?2 months the light was at 4ft high lol seemed logical then when they got 3ft high im...
  13. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    You are completely 100% correct sir and I agree with that for sure can get way more light /heat ratio with CFLs and from then there on led is the next step ahha
  14. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    But holy shit yours look beautiful!!!
  15. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    And wy do u have so many covers for them lights u need them bulbs 3 in away from the leaves and them light covers are ur problem I think. the bulb needs to be 3-6" away from buds not the cover 3" away
  16. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    :) so pretty
  17. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    think about it this way one 63w bulb so 150 equ watts but only 900 lumes perbulb, but 3 23watt 75 eq witch is 69 watts 225equivaliant watts and 900lumes each bulb = 2900lumes much much better lighting and coverage you want to stick with 23 watt bulbs and just position them perfectly and really...
  18. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    ahha i got no choice my man my room doesnt grow only my plants inside ahha
  19. indoorgrow

    frig grow

    @xxxxHAZMATxxxx yeah nothing u can do now but wait till the end and see what she gives you as a treat
  20. indoorgrow

    first time ever!!!

    but thank you for the tip ill get a stronger osilating fan next crop