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  1. G

    16 day old plants should they look like this??

    blowing on them, thanks for the info man, whats the expected time till vegetation and flowering? ive done alot of research but havent seen any straight answers. and should i have them on a light schedule 18/6 or 24 hr? ill put some pics up of my set up after work tomorrow
  2. G

    16 day old plants should they look like this??

    a closet with a sheet as the door and i have a fan on low for ventilation. how long into the grow until i need to take action on food, topping, and basic maintenance
  3. G

    16 day old plants should they look like this??

    I have these 3 plants under 2 14w CFLs and 2 23w CFLs. 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 49 percent humidity. any advice?
  4. G

    New to organics.

    do yall think this seedling will make it? 2 14w cfls, 4 23w cfls, temp at 85 f. humidity at 65 percent, its been growing alot over night but this is my first time so i want to do it right.