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  1. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    aaannndddd, there goes the harvest for the bold one at day 70! she was sticky like hell and thick and... no words to describe! she wished me high times before she died ♥ I couldnt measure her weight yet, but i will. She has been a beast guys, that is unbelievable for me as a first time grower...
  2. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    Exciting, dude. They seem very healthy. What I can tell you as a first time grower, too, is that now the most exciting times I suppose, since you have no idea in reality what's gonna happen next and every single movement on the plants counts :D I don't think that is something you can reqularly...
  3. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    By the way, I have a question. Should I harvest the entire plant at once? What if I cut the top bud and some, big side branches and then keep the rest in the room for couple of more days? because it doesn't seem to me that they will ever be on the same condition; top and lower branches at the...
  4. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    This is one of the white widows. The other is exactly the same of this one =) I call them twins allready...
  5. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    this is the bold one. All of the side branches you see in the picture belong to her! her sidebranches are higher, thicker and seem more splendid even than the other mystic's top collas. I think I'm in love with her... Yeah, I love you bold... I really would love to say that to your face but I...
  6. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    this is the top bud of the one that I'll harvest tomorrow.
  7. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    thanks mates, sorry for the abscence (I was high). Today is their 61st day and the pictures below belong to their day 54 or sth like that. There are differences at all of their stages actually. I am planning to harvest one of the blue mystics tomorrow, and the other two in the followin 2-3...
  8. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    There is my Co2 setup and all nutes
  9. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    And now they are 21 days old except the samall one. She is 11 days old now
  10. Fırat

    would like to hear any sort of advice and ops

    Hi all, I am completely a newby growing my first babies. Tried to post a journal but couldnt (dont know why). There are 3 Auto Blue Mystics by Nirvana seeds and, Auto White Widows and 1 unknown breed also auto flowering. This is my first grow as I said and trying to get all the information and...