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  1. pinkpengin

    Attention All Experienced Apartment Growers: Need help/info

    it sounds like u got a little lost in all the methods. im gonna agree with skoad and tell you to go with cfl's, i myself grow with cfl's because they dont radiate huge amounts of heat they also do not require a ballast or special reflector so that takes a few hundred dollars off the budget...
  2. pinkpengin

    first grow

    no you have weak stems because your plants need more lumens, use 3# 26watt COMPACT florescent bulbs (they use less energy and put out more light than a regular florescent). just so you know, you cant operate a high pressure sodium bulb without a HPS ballast and an HPS reflector which can be a...
  3. pinkpengin

    Help Quick brown spotting lower fan leaves spreading fast - I have pictures

    my grow methods are very similar to yours, in my experience leaves browning or yellowing or have necrotic (dead) patches, especially around the edges of the leaf, which might be curled. the plant may be too tall and or developed a Potassium (K) deficiency.
  4. pinkpengin

    where to get batwing reflectors

    bat wing reflector's are a little hard to find off the net, u have a much better chance of getting one that's shaped like half the bat wing reflector and they aren't overly expensive. they should have them at your local grow shop
  5. pinkpengin

    I'ma NOOB N Got Some ?'s About The Prices PLEASE HELP

    oh wow u dont even know basic prices but now ur hot shit cuz u dont fuck with dimes, u dont know shit about the game, they were trying to help your dumbass out but im sure no one gives a crap now. so good luck asshole.
  6. pinkpengin

    blackstrap molasses?

    hmm well that is interesting, its sounds like a good method in theory but i will have to look into it, cause i use a high P nutrient to jumpstart my flowering periods so i wouldnt want to accidentally over fert. Thanks guys!
  7. pinkpengin

    Turning leaves to hash?

    brick top is right ur plants need the fan leaves to complete photosynthesis, and no u cant make them into hash, hash is made of thc which your plant has none of until the 3rd week of flowering but even then your not suppose to do more than a leaf or two of pruning in the flowering stage as your...
  8. pinkpengin


    an easy rule of thumb is fert for 2 days water for 4. thats how i do it to keep fom over ferting. GOOD LUCK!!!
  9. pinkpengin


    well i dont think its the lights they could be having a bit of heatstroke so just always make sure the lights are at least 5 inches away. but it looks like they are having a nutrient deficiency, so go out and get a 20-20-20 formula, i use miracle gro all purpose NURSERY SELECT cause its the most...
  10. pinkpengin

    show me the way i need your help PLEASE come and show me!!

    ok u have a good set up, veg for 6 weeks or until they are 12 inches tall, blue cheese take about 65 days to flower so yes 8-9 weeks. the extent of the flowering period is always dependent on the strain. or if you dont know the starin, indica take 8 weeks sativas can take up to eleven so a mixed...
  11. pinkpengin

    Expected Indoor yield using soil and HPS

    well i have to say im talking to a worthy adversary here, i've never done hydro but im an experienced indoor grower and the thing is if you grow in a closet no bigger than a meter (about 3 feet) wide than depending on the strain yes u will only get about 2-8 ounces depending on the strain, but...
  12. pinkpengin

    how tall will it grow??

    DAMN DUDE five feet!? lol you bought a sativa dominant strain, next time buy a more mixed strain ( best prices on fem seeds, most farms on the net) OR top your plants while they are vegging when they develop the fourth set of rigid leaves, it will sprout two heads and therefore...
  13. pinkpengin

    blackstrap molasses?

    this is funny because your only the second person in about 6 months to ask about this, im an experienced grower but i have never heard anything about using molasses, no one has ever suggested it to me and i've never read about it. where did you hear that you should use it and for what?
  14. pinkpengin

    bat guano?

    no actually that sounds like really good advice just follow it word for word and u should be square.all i suggest is using distilled water (grocery store usually by the gallons) in-place of tap.
  15. pinkpengin

    hows my set up? and advice for whats next?

    oh i forgot do u mean 120 watt? cause theres high pressure sodium, metal halide, compact flourescents, and incandescent. so i'd have to know that to give u an analysis on your lighting situation
  16. pinkpengin

    hows my set up? and advice for whats next?

    wow a bomb shelter thats fuckin sweet, well you have it pretty good but u dont need the vaporizer to be that close to the plant or u could cause fungus, u also dont need the box just space and the lights, yes if the seeds dont sprout after 4 days tops they're dead, u probably over watered them a...
  17. pinkpengin

    flowering plz

    yes he's is exactly right, i use 105w cfl's (equiv. to 500w incdst) from they have the best prices on higher watt cfl's. i get at least an ounce and up depending on the strain per plant.
  18. pinkpengin

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    oh and a closet is a prime spot for a grow space because theres a bar to hang the light and its private, plus i have cats who love plants so it keeps them away lol
  19. pinkpengin

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    lol yes it is nerve racking the first couple go-rounds but i have grown long enough to know that if anything the dome will just make a prime environment for fungi, actually thats how you grow shrooms lol in a dome with humidity because they r a fungus really. its good your babies r doing great...
  20. pinkpengin

    will this work

    well those bulbs are perfect for vegging, and i know ur not looking for quantity but i will tell you if you go to you can get 40 w cfl's for the same price that home depot charges for 26w cfl's and it would guarantee you at least an ounce to smoke (28gr). and as for quality buy...