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  1. Smkrocho

    update on my first mushroom grow

    I figured that could be an issue but will spores come to fruition? I mean I have some mushrooms that just pop up there and I would think that if mold was going to form out there I would have seen it by now.
  2. Smkrocho

    Renewing my membership!

    Hi J, My profile says I'm new but I joined in '06. I couldn't remember my log in so I made a new profile. I am also on drugs...clearly.
  3. Smkrocho

    I once thought I was a tiger...

    I once thought I was a tiger...
  4. Smkrocho

    update on my first mushroom grow

    So I have a plot out front that gets about 1 hr daily. Just wondering what the downsides to growing outside are.