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  1. B

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    Ok so these plants where in mass hole soil only until yesterday when I mixed all three then put them in bigger pot but did that because of current issue
  2. B

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    What is a little n nitrogen
  3. B

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    I'm new at this I'm going to guess growing med is soils I used 3 diffrentone root organic fox farm aND mass hole fert. No pre treat either
  4. B

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    Pics there help please
  5. B

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    Okay not sure how to but I'll try...
  6. B

    Yellow and curling baby plants

    Please help very new planted 2 femerized bubblicious plants and one other not sure free seed any way the oldest plant is a week yesterday in dirt tent 2x4x7 ft. 4in . Inline cooling light 600 watt sodium in cool tube 250 cfm in line fan cooling tent temP at 79 humidity 42 ....used mass hole fox...