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  1. F

    Possible Ph or Nute Lockout??

    Ran 3.5 gallons of Ph 6.8 through all 7 gallon pots with full strength cal-mag added. Lowest Ph after all said and done was 5.7 and highest was 6.3. Flowers are starting to get sticky, but not much smell (not a bad thing). Will keep you updated if all works out. Now just to let them dry out for...
  2. F

    Possible Ph or Nute Lockout??

    Ok I will Ph 2-3 gallons of water to 6.8 and add a full strength dose of cal mag to each one and well thoroughly water them tomorrow when my lights come on. Does this sound good? Yield shouldn't be effected to much by this to muc ya?
  3. F

    Possible Ph or Nute Lockout??

    Good afternoon everyone. I am new to gardening of the medicinal kind, but not new to gardening entirely. I have done hours of research on what the problem could be and I think its magnesium or maybe iron. Their are three plants total and all three are showing the same lightening of green, and...