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  1. T

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    Is flush the same as water change? Are you saying you DWC folks never do a water change, only add? I've been waterfarming for 5-years and do weekly water changes and never have these problems. I read about them to see what to look for, but I've never had a water problem for no reason. My...
  2. T

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    OP never mentions maintenance program. Can his problem be related to not enough routine water changes?
  3. T

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    Thanks, yea I did that and it printed smaller than I would like. I printed it out and then enlarged it, so I don't have to put my classes on to read it. Great reference, is this an accumulation of data from grow journals, etc and someone put it in simple form? Doesn't look like it helped with...
  4. T

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    That chart on post 2 is great. How can I print that out? I Need to hang it on my cabinet door....