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  1. F

    Bugs!!!! Help!! Quick!!

    so, any takers on the diatomacious earth being organic or not question? any fixes that are organic for this type of pest or one that will kill pretty much everything? i want these things gone so i can rest easy!!
  2. F

    Bugs!!!! Help!! Quick!!

    i guess i could just do what my hick neighbor says and 'nuke 'em' with organic bug spray. does anyone know if diatamacious earth is organic? anyone recommend anything under 20 bucks that is organic and will kill most anything? is this einstein or neem oil available at home depo? and do you guys...
  3. F

    Bugs!!!! Help!! Quick!!

    ok guys, thanks for the tips. the plants do look very, very healthy other than the weird little white worms in the soil, so i will just leave them be unless i see adults or bugs on top of the soil. thanks for your help.
  4. F

    Bugs!!!! Help!! Quick!!

    i read through all of the info on the site you mentioned and none of those bugs are what this is. it's so weird! it creeps me out to go in there now because i am scared one day they will be coming up out of the soil!! but they seem to only be under the top layer. i'm still looking for more info...
  5. F

    Bugs!!!! Help!! Quick!!

    Hey guys, my plants have just reached the veg stage and as I was watering them yesterday I noticed that when I cultivated the top soil and saw some of the darker soil underneath, some things moved. I know you might say thrips, but I have looked at everything I can to find out what they are and...
  6. F

    Worried mom

    hey guys, sorry, my camera wont charge for some reason. i am going to a concert tonight though, so afterwards i will get my fiance to take the pics with his camera. so, it has been about 5 days since i posted and the plants have gotten bigger. they have sprouted their 2nd set of 'true leaves'...
  7. F

    Worried mom

    yeah, i thought pics would be needed. i will post some when my fiance gets home and shows me how to use his hightech camera.
  8. F

    Worried mom

    Hey, My little girls are looking great, I think, but I am worried that I am not doing something right because of things my "Growble" says. I am growing 4 plants, 2 Dutch Amnesia Haze, and 2 that I am not sure of. I bought all the seeds at High Quality Seed Bank in Amsterdam while I was there...
  9. F

    dutch amnesia haze and something??

    Hey, Maybe you guys could help me answer this, as I have looked all over the web and the banks website and found nothing. When I was in Amsterdam, I stopped by High Quality Seed Bank and got two packages of 10 seeds each (i think). They were feminized seeds. One I know is amnesia haze. The other...