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  1. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Alright so it has been a few weeks since I updated. That's because everything has been going pretty smoothly. Plants are about 4 weeks into 12/12 and covered with buds and white hairs (pistles?). I also took clones about 2 weeks ago which are now potted and rooted and looking good. Some of the...
  2. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Thanks Jacks. It's been quite a ride so far :)
  3. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    So it's been a big day for the girls. They got transplanted into their final pots, moved under the HID and put on 12/12. I have the HID at 50% so 300w right now and temps are fine. Will try throwing it to 75% tomorrow. The girls are smaller than I expected them to be at this point and haven't...
  4. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    So since I flushed the girls on the weekend they are kicking ass. I did some heavy lst which went well except that I snapped one of the top nodes on the best looking IB. Oops. I was pretty gutted but as it was still hanging on I propped it up and left it on the plant... Actually looking like it...
  5. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Alright so turns out the issue wasn't overwatering. Today it had been a week since I had watered and the soil was bone-dry right through. The girls were still looking awful. By the way, my soil stays black even when it's dry. Something about the mix. So deciding that it couldn't be...
  6. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Is there anything I can be doing to encourage their recovery? Putting them outside during the day?
  7. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Thanks guys. Another idea I have is that it might be temperature related. The grow drops down to just under 60f at night. Gets up to about 73 during the day...
  8. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    I was wondering about that. Been trying to ph around 6.0. I've only got a colouring kit so hard to be too exact but don't think I would have been off by more than .5 in either direction.
  9. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Thanks Jacks, I haven't sprayed them at all. I have a 6 inch centrifugal pulling out the top and 2 6 inch passive intakes on the bottom. If I put my hand on the outside of the intakes I can feel the air pulling pretty strong. I have the fan controller turned to low so can bring that up some?
  10. nosolution

    Droopy dark green leaves

    Hey guys, Overnight my babies went from fine to really not looking great. It could be a watering issue, but I'm not sure. Would love some help/opinions. All the info is there in my journal thread. Thanks in...
  11. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Thanks jacks. They have only been getting watered about once a week. These guys haven't been watered in 5 days. Maybe I have a humidity issue? I don't have a meter so can't tell, but there is plenty of ventilation. Are we pretty sure it is an over watering issue?
  12. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Oh no!!!! Help! Something is seriously wrong with one of my plants! I wolk up this morning and all of them looked a little droopy, especially the 2 WWxBB but also the IBs. I figured it could have just been a cold night or something but I got home from work and one of the girls has blistered...
  13. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Alright, I've raised the light and added a fan :) thanks for the help!
  14. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Alright, they all seem to have an issue -- not sure if the topping stressed them out, or the fish emulsion, or something else entirely. They all have slight curling happening on the edges of their fan leaves -- especially their top-most fan leaves. It doesn't seem too bad but if it is the sign...
  15. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Alright! Been a big day for the ladies. They all got topped (left 3 nodes) and got their first nutes. I gave them about 1/3 strength fish emulsion. They are really starting to bush out! It felt a little strange cutting the tops off. Hoping they handle it well :)
  16. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Ok! So we're just past the 2 week mark since the seeds popped and I think we are going well. All 4 girls have 3 sets of leaves and are looking healthy. I think I'm going to add some nutrients to the next watering. Just planning to buy something organic and high N from the local Home Depot and...
  17. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Thanks Jacksthc, planning on topping once we've got some more leaves. Are we not worried about the leaf curl and discolouration on the 1 plant? As for the screen, would I just set that up in the flowering area? I thought it was best to start the scrog during veg...
  18. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Ok, they seem to have liked the transplant and are growing! One of them has a problem with the leaves, photo below. Not sure if it was getting burnt by the light, or didn't really like the transplant or something else. Anyone know? And the leaf issue... Thanks all :)
  19. nosolution

    Finally got started!

    Thanks guys :)
  20. nosolution

    First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

    Haha yeah it's a bit on the precarious side. Have some yoyos for the cool tube but need the figure out something for the t5. I was thinking of putting a screen on these guys but decided not to over complicate on the first grow. Just going to lst and top. If it's all successful I'll try to throw...