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    So you just mix it with the water? So just mix it with the water?
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    Anybody use molasses? I've read its good for the soil..if so sulphur or unsulphured? I'm about 25 days into flower is this a good time to use it?
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    First's the progress??

    Yea I realized u were in Colorado after I posted that lol. I've been thinking about doing the same thing lol. Im gonna check out that site for now tho.
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    First's the progress??

    Yea that's why I said "I was told" lol. All I know is it was pretty good shit. Kinda nervous to buy seeds online..can u recommend a place?
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    First's the progress??

    First time I've ever found any seeds in it so I decided to give it a try and she seems to be doing pretty good. Got 1 female out of 3 which was kinda disappointing lol
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    First's the progress??

    I have no idea lol. I found a couple seeds in what I was told was og kush.
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    First's the progress??

    Awesome..I was afraid I got the lights too close lol
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    First's the progress??

    Also the white hairs on one of the colas look like they may be turning brown at the tips. Is this normal?
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    First's the progress??

    Yes they seem to be stagered..i topped it a few times early on. I don't know if that affects the spacing at all.
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    First's the progress??

    Yes 24 days of 12/12. You think it's sativa? Early on it looked like indica but now it's hard for me to tell..
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    First's the progress??

    First grow..wondering how u guys think she looks . 24 days in flower after 5 weeks veg. In soil and cfls for light.maybe 2-21/2 feet tall.
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    Magnesium deficiency

    Fox farm tigerbloom at the moment..soil..and I was using distilled water but I'm goin to switch to tap after letting it sit out for 24hrs.The last watering I used plain water and tried to flush it out a little bit. 2 of the 3 plants that I had turned out to be males that I seperated from the...
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    Magnesium deficiency

    I believe I have a magnesium deficiency. Started epsom salt treatment last night. Should i cut off the fan leaves that are affected? They are pretty bad looking..maybe 15-20 percent of the plant only fan leaves that are in the center of the plant. Or will doing this just make things worse? I'm...
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    C02..for flowering?

    I will be making one today lol. Thanks!!
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    not lookin good...nute burn?

    Help! Growing in soil from seed..started flower almost a week ago..I have 1 other same medium and flower time looks pretty good but this one looks horrible to me. any ideas what the prob is?
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    C02..for flowering?

    Does c02 really help with yeilds? And I've read dry active yeast,sugar and water is a good way to produce this the best way to do it? Ive also read using vinager in another method..looking for a cheap and easy way to do it.
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    That's good news long does it usually take for females to show? Or does it just vary by strain?
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    Cool thanks..the male started showing about 4-5 days ago but the other 2 look like the last one.they were planted at the same time but i can't see any of the white hairs or the little balls. Guess they are just taking a lil longer. This is my first grow... thanks for the replies tho.