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  1. jacktheripper

    Vote for your music

    is reggae "chillout" ?
  2. jacktheripper

    naming your piece

    does anyone else name their bowl/bong/peace pipe/ect. ? my bong's name is Jack the Ripper because it has skull and cross bones all over it most of my bowls have names but hell if i remember them all. haha. man i'm baked. it's this new strain we got in town called 'trainwreck' ...
  3. jacktheripper

    First trip of the year

    haha. yes nothing better than getting baked and going shoom hunting out in cow pastures. I've tried it a couple times,but never had luck. So, i always just end up buying some.
  4. jacktheripper

    Stoned Pets

    yes. My dog has bad arthritis and marijuana has been proven in studies that it can help in dealing with the pain of arthritis. Pot-based medication targets arthritis pain
  5. jacktheripper

    Welcome New Members!

    thanks. jack the ripper is actually the name of one of my bongs, but yeah, anyway, i was wondering what the best strain was to start off with. from what i've read, i think i'm going to try big bud, i plan on only growing 2 or 3 plants though in the beginning.
  6. jacktheripper

    Stoned Pets

    My dog LOVES getting baked. As soon as i light up,he's right next to me putting his face in front of mine waiting for me to blow smoke in his face. Also, anytime someone is over at my place and they have any green on them,he can smell it and will sniff at them and bug them.
  7. jacktheripper

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone! I'm obviously new here. I have tried growing once without doing any researching. Anyway,needless to say the plants died and now i'm here trying to learn as much as i can to grow some good green.