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  1. Proffy

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    What is rh...? Sorry for the noob question, first timer here.
  2. Proffy

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Thanks! Just started hanging a few of the more mature buds from my plant. Want to do it right. Appreciate your help!
  3. Proffy

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Does it matter if my hanging room is dark or light?
  4. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Here are some photos taken 12 days after my original post. Giving it at least another week or until the trichomes change color. Some of it is more mature than other parts, so I'm probably going to take it in stages as they reach optimal potency. Thanks again to all those who weighed in to give...
  5. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Hey, I got my pocket microscope so now I can see the tri ' s and yes, almost all are Still clear. So it looks like I've got some more waiting time. At least now I am confident I will harvest at the ideal time. Thanks to all you folks who offered your opinions and help. I appreciate it!
  6. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Thanks! That seems to be the predominant opinion. The microscope I ordered should be here tomorrow. That should help confirm readiness. But I think you're right, 2 weeks...and maybe longer for the less developed buds. I really appreciate you weighing in.
  7. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Yeah, I've been thinking about that. The tops are much further along than many of the lower and inner buds. I thought I would just take them as they mature. I really don't know what I'm doing but this site and people like you have been really helpful throughout the process. Thanks for taking...
  8. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Thanks Johnny! I can hold out another 2-3 weeks.
  9. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Hey thanks for your input guys. I did order a hand held microscope for $13. Should have it next week. In the meantime I'll just keep drooling over all these buds. Some of them are really nice! They still have a lot of white pistils and they haven't really receded into the bud yet, so I guess...
  10. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Thanks! Some of the pistils have turned color, but guess I still have some time. Going to buy a magnifying device today. Then I'll know for sure. Thanks again!
  11. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Thanks for your help. Yeah, I need to break down and buy some kind of magnifying device I guess. Really want to get this right.
  12. Proffy

    Am I close to harvest time?

    Here are a couple of pictures I took today. First time doing this by myself and would love to get some help. I want to max out the thc...duh, who doesn't? I know there is a window of peak time to harvest. Am I in it? I have trimmed a couple of buds, and it definitely gets you high right now...
  13. Proffy

    Should i Harvest now? First Grow

    Really glad you asked this. I'm in the same boat. First time grower with one plant outdoors. My buds look about at the same stage. I have fruit punch strain. I'll be watching this thread closely, since I think we'll be harvesting about the same time. Can't wait!
  14. Proffy

    Welcome New Members!

    That picture of the whole plant is deceptive. It's about 5 feet tall.
  15. Proffy

    Welcome New Members!

    Whoops, forgot the pics
  16. Proffy

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi folks. Just joined the group a couple of days ago. A friend asked me to watch her 12 inch fruit punch plant while she was out of town for a few weeks. I successfully transplanted it into a larger pot (2.5 gallon? ) and just set it out in my pretty sunny yard. When she returned the plant had...
  17. Proffy

    Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice

    Thanks for the clarification sno capz. If my buds look like the ones in the link, I'll be one happy little farmer! Like I said, hope to be back with a smoke report in due time. Thank you.
  18. Proffy

    Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice

    First post! I was given a plant and told it was "fruit punch". Is this the same strain? Have read a few variations on the name, all containing the word fruit. Anyway this is my first plant in over 30 years (grew one beauty in 1983 tha t yielded nearly an lb). Has recently started flowering...