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  1. C

    first time cloning(and first grow) my babies keep suiciding! help!

    see the switch-and-bait "expert" we hired-told me like two things about cloning I was pretty sure were wrong. He said to poke the hole THROUGH the medium so you could have the stalk sticking out the bottom so it can get oxygen while the middle part of it (in the medium) grows roots. I kinda...
  2. C

    first time cloning(and first grow) my babies keep suiciding! help!

    okay so it seems like the temperature is actually not as crazy high (just checked, its 88 now) as I was worried it was, I just need to get that damn humiditity up and raise my lights a lil'. :) thanks so much guys, I'm gonna go for a ciggarette and then I"ll snap some pictures so you guys can...
  3. C

    first time cloning(and first grow) my babies keep suiciding! help!

    yes i'm using a dome :) and after spraying it seems to stay foggy for around 6-7 hrs then it clears up. is that a sign that its evaporating too quickly and I should move my lights up a little bit?
  4. C

    first time cloning(and first grow) my babies keep suiciding! help!

    since for the past 24 hrs they've been in a dome, I"ve been spraying whenever condensation starts to go away, they've been under light and etc... humidity has just been like 30-45%... And Darth-- Just reread your post, were you saying to go soil as a cloning medium over rockwool? what are the...
  5. C

    first time cloning(and first grow) my babies keep suiciding! help!

    Wow thanks for the speedy replies guys! @DarthVapour : I got the ph to 5.8, is that alright-or does it need to be more acidic for cloning? and good tip with the string and toothpick, yeah I did have to do a bit of jamming them in there... :\ and @wiethe20: won't that cause a heat issue? and...
  6. C

    first time cloning(and first grow) my babies keep suiciding! help!

    Heya everyone! Been lurkin' for a few months but this is my first time posting. I got into mmj growing recently, expecting about 60 Pineapple Cheese plants, that me and my partner would be purchasing as teenagers. partner is a silent one-providing fundin', equipment and clones, im the one with...