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  1. Scarred

    My 150W Vero29 tent.

    That growth is impressive for bag seed at 22 days, and female! I run coco+led but must be getting some shit phenos.
  2. Scarred

    Mars Hydro Reflector 96

    I'm into my 2nd grow using this unit. During veg, using just the Growth setting, at about 20" distance.
  3. Scarred

    MarsHydro 300w

    Draw is 200w. Cost around $250 back in October? I'm very paranoid about HID lighting.
  4. Scarred

    MarsHydro 300w

    I was impatient and cheaped out (retrospectively not cheap, quite the opposite all things considered haha) and got mars reflector series 96x5. Stable temps @ 77 with exhaust in a 2x2. The light uses crap fans that sound like a jet engine. Not a stealth unit for sure. Hoping to move to COBs...
  5. Scarred

    White widow autoflower, here we go!

    I doubt you'll see much benefit to running the HPS while they're still small and vegging, stick with the T5 until they have more nodes and start showing sex. Consistency is key.
  6. Scarred


    Genuinely curious, what metric or reference do you use for deciding where a plant should be based on # days?
  7. Scarred

    White widow autoflower, here we go!

    I have a soft spot for white widows since they were my first photoperiod grow. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your journal. My advice is this: Be careful when trying to compare your grow to others, you mentioned it's slow going so far but nature can't be rushed. Veg and flowering times...
  8. Scarred

    Perlite or not

    Nope. I start my seeds in solo cups coco+perlite, use tap water when surface is dry but adjust ph always to 5.7-6.0 throughout the grow. Nutes only start 2-3 weeks from seed depending how far along they are. I transplant into 11 liter then follow my watering regime. I do not measure ppm, I...
  9. Scarred

    Perlite or not

    11 litre
  10. Scarred

    Perlite or not

    Hand water twice a week, Wednesday (Ph'd water), Sunday (Nutes with run off). It's manageable with 2 plants.
  11. Scarred

    Perlite or not

    The perlite helps keeping the medium aerated, helps the roots breath. I'm onto my 4th grow (LED now, yay!) using CalMag, Coco A+B nutes from my local hydro store. No complaints with coco+perlite.
  12. Scarred

    Harvest Pictures Grown Under 2 Cxa3070's

    :shock: You could still lose 20% weight and come out 1.2g/watt....Good job! BRB, returning sending my china led panel back.
  13. Scarred

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Can some recommend a cost effective 100w COB LED set up for a schmo in Canada? I'm using a 2x2 tent for 2 plants. I've inquired with Kingbrite on Alibaba, 2 x CXA3070 AB 3000K 2 x holders 1 x HLG-185H-C1400B After shipping..roughly $220CAD. Not including tax and potential duty for importing...
  14. Scarred

    REVEIW: Go Green LEDs 4 COB Cree CXB3070 200 watt panel $450

    Would have loved to try this out but the price went up to $539 on both amazon and ebay :( Worse when you're in Canada.