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  1. B

    whats wrong with my plant

    ight thanks guys :peace:
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    whats wrong with my plant

    haha idk how to post pics i just took some but idk how to put them in the post=P
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    whats wrong with my plant

    my plants started out really good lookin i think and then yesterday i noticed they look a little darker green and droopy, and today i notice the newer leaves tips are greyish green and drooping and i dont know why, any help would be appreciated :mrgreen:
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    whats wrong with my plant?

    ok so ive never grown before, but i dont have money for weed so i figured id grow it. my plant is prob a couple weeks old, and started out really healthy (i think) it was really green and had a couple sets of leaves, then yesterday i looked at it and one of the stems started to turn grey, and...
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    hey i was thinkin about growin a few plants outdoors and i have like 10 acres of land, and i was...

    hey i was thinkin about growin a few plants outdoors and i have like 10 acres of land, and i was just wonderin if its safe to grow on my own property
  6. B

    weed in the winter

    but like, once they die theres no chance of them coming back in the spring?
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    weed in the winter

    ight thanks bro
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    weed in the winter

    i was just wondering if i could take a few 3 week old seedling out of my basement(my mom found them) and plant em outside evem though its november and really cold outside any help is appreciated
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    plants in the winter

    i'm new at this so if anyone could help me i would appreciate it haha. i started to grow indoors, but my mom found out and i live in literally the middle of nowhere, so i was just wondering even though its mid november and really cold, if i could plant them outside with mulch and cover them with...