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  1. K


    Yes vitamin green thankyou
  2. K


    My theory on lumens to matter ratio. (just random thinking. i have little information to grow upon) The amount of lumens projected towards the amount of matter you have to create photosynthesis. A plant with zero leaves will create no photosynthesis. when you trim off matter, you are able to...
  3. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    Ill hit you up and let you know the outcome.
  4. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    Ok so i guess ill just harvest at normal time and then let it sit there for 2 weeks after and see if it grows some pollen sacs lol
  5. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    No id take the pollen from the sacs and pollenate the next plant (which is Also a female) To create feminized seeds. Veg plant, flower plant, Harvest mature buds, Stress plant to create sacs and harvest those. Pollenate next female. Possible? I wouldnt expect the same plant to stay alive and let...
  6. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    Ive got two growing not. I just wanted to try this for fun. To get the most out ofbthe plant. Clone, bud and pollen sac all in one grow
  7. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    Yes i did. Its about 4 1/2 feet tall. 1 foot clearance from top soil to first bottom branch. In first week of flower.
  8. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    will it grow bananas? it wouldnt pass on traits if i harvested the pollen from bananas instead of letting seeds grow after the sacs pop.
  9. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    without colloidial silver? the rodelization method. letting the plant over mature and produce pollen sacs from stress. plant becomes hermaphroditic.
  10. K

    Rodelization? Bananas? After Harvest?

    Is it possible to harvest the more mature bud at the optimal harvest time and still grow "bananas" and create seeds on the less mature flower sites afterwards? I want to grow the plant and harvest the more mature buds at the optimal harvest time to smoke and then let the plant develop pollen...