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  1. Leafs.Rule.75

    Any feed back on fox farms enhancers

    what about fox farms beastie bloom and chaching flowering enhancers? Is anyone using these? Does anyone have any positive feedback on these 2 products? I heard real great results from some friends who i have used it so i gonna try them on my babyss going in the next couple days and test it out
  2. Leafs.Rule.75

    P.H Levels

    up here my tap water ph is 8-8.5 right now since its winter here's a chart that may help you...:joint:
  3. Leafs.Rule.75

    how much to feed flowering plants

    i sign up there last month still waiting for them to approve i got no permissions over there lol must be still having problems with there reg emails....
  4. Leafs.Rule.75

    -->***Stanley Squirrel cage blower***<--

    can you post the link from homedepot for that inline fan???
  5. Leafs.Rule.75

    -->***Stanley Squirrel cage blower***<--

    hmm that must be in the us cause up here in canuck land the 6" inline fan that moves anything close is about 2 bills unless you are talking about a duck booster inline fan????
  6. Leafs.Rule.75

    how much to feed flowering plants

    I also flush my plants once a week, my system with promix has trays under the pots and with 1.5' of hydro corn in each of the bottom of containers, i will trays with plain water or water+nutes and let them feed from the bottom and once every 7-10 days i run fresh ph water trough the top of pots...
  7. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    Here a few more pics from today, I am changing the light cycle tonight from 18/6 to 12/12 to start the flowering cycle... Also i was checking on my clones a saw a few with kick ass root balls hehe that are spliting my 1" rockwool cubes...
  8. Leafs.Rule.75

    my 2 litre pop bottle harvest pics

    That's a swwet looking cola for just a pop bottle and cfl's nicely done...bongsmilie
  9. Leafs.Rule.75

    how much to feed flowering plants

    what type of medium are you growing with soil or soiless mix? also are they drying out quick since your watering them twice a day? and btw you could just fill a tray with some water and let them bottom feed for the 3 days you are gone...
  10. Leafs.Rule.75

    ph water soil

    it close it looks like at 6.5 it just nips the p-ca-mg and also fe-mn 6.6 kinda looks optimal...
  11. Leafs.Rule.75

    ph water soil

    No problem Grade...:weed: And yes for my soilless mix(pro mix) I ph plain water to 6.5 and also the same with nutes, I also check my run off ph once a week too it is usally in the range of 6.4-6.6
  12. Leafs.Rule.75

    ph water soil

    heres a chart ph chart that shows nutrients avaiblity, i found along my travels...:leaf:
  13. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    There some more pics these were taking a couple days after i did some pruning to make clones there coming back with lots of new shoots nicely ..:weed: ================================================== Here are my current spec's of this grow 12/8/08...
  14. Leafs.Rule.75

    Inline carbon filter?

    The CF group sells the carbon inline filters--> hxxp:// :bigjoint: heres the specs: Max cfm: 412/700m³h @ 0.1 sec contact time Recommended Min Airflow: 206 cfm...
  15. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    the area is 36" long 19" deep and i only run 1 400watt in that area which is plenty of light 88 watts per square foot, and the light is 12" from the top of the plants, i working on bulidin another flower box the same size...
  16. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    Here are some pics of the clones i took from my willywonders & blueberry on friday dec5...:blsmoke:
  17. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    Heres a few more pics taking the day before i cloned all of them on last thursday, and this pics were taking in the 6 hr dark cycle so thats why there a little droopy... ================================================== Here are my current spec's of this grow 12/4/08...
  18. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    Here's a few more pics i pulled of the camera 3 days later from the first ones i took, they were taking during there 6hr dark cycle so don't be alarmed by them being a little droopy... ================================================== Here are my current spec's of this grow 11/30/08...
  19. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    Well they were clones i got were already in 16oz cups in pro mix ,since i was starting back up that's how my buddy gave them to me, so to me it was simple to transplant in pro mix at the time, I don't have my mind set up wasn't sure which system i wanted to go with, Pro Mix is a form hydro to is...
  20. Leafs.Rule.75

    1st Public Grow Journal...

    Well this is my first public grow journal,Im not a newb to growing actually been growing 18yrs i tried all systems there was, all the part of a hobby and learning with trial and error...:mrgreen:...Just starting back up again i had to stop having fun with my hobby for a couple...