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  1. G

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    Phew! That puts me at ease. So just hang some fly tape around and then do I spray the leaves or the base of the plant with the soap? And is this the right spray?
  2. G

    Need help identifying leaf problem Would this soap be correct?
  3. G

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    Yeah when I looked at deff pics and wrong ph pics it looked similar but holy smokes this thrips thing looks identical. Im scared cuz I dont wanna lose this plant. Had to throw other one out cuz it was male already.
  4. G

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    Holy shit are you guys serious? Im 41 days into this. Are you guys sure its bugs cuz i dont see any of them and no eggs on bottom of leaves. I bought dolomite to fix the soil/leaves. But if its bugs I wont put it.
  5. G

    Help me idenfity the problem

    I will get you guys more pics later been busy the whole day sorry.
  6. G

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    Yeah we checked for spidermites, no signs of eggs or them themselves.
  7. G


    Thanks mate I appreciate the reply!
  8. G

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Awesome thanks for the info, I have just one more question, sorry for posting here but couldnt find a way to pm you. Should I add nutriets to the soil or what should I do if its too acidid? Im going to apply that dolomite/water mixture directly to the leaves but wont it come back if I dont fix...
  9. G

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Yeah mate it makes sense. Thanks a lot you helped more than enough!! I will begin treatment first thing in the morning when I get the dolomite. I posted to plant problems forum but noone responded, probably most people are sleeping. Thank you again!
  10. G

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Thanks, should I trim the leaf most effected and begin treatment?
  11. G

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    Hey there. Im new on here but straight to the point i got a problem with leaves. Something is going on idk what can someone help?
  12. G

    Help me idenfity the problem

    Hey guys can someone help identify the problem on these leaves for me? Much thanks in advance.
  13. G

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Hey everybody can someone please help me identify the problem with these leaves?
  14. G


    What is happening to this plant?