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  1. C

    What's your best foliar spray recipes

    I probably couldn't put an exact measurement on it, I use a teaspoon measurement thing and take 2 out of my jar of OHN concentrate [probably don't get a full 2 teaspoons.], throw that into a regular sized spray bottle and use my aerated water along with a tiny bit of silica [less than a...
  2. C

    What's your best foliar spray recipes

    I use the OHN on my vegging plants everyday in the morning -- and ~3-4 times a week on my flowering plants. I cant get enough of the stuff. When I spray it on my flowering, I bring an extra fan I have in my grow room over to the tent to help dry it out. I spray in a light mist, not drench or...
  3. C

    What's your best foliar spray recipes

    Foliars I use - Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, OHN [my own recipe.], AACT Diluted. and Coconut Water / Aloe Diluted I rotate them around and end up spraying 4-8 times a week. The plants seem to love it. If you're interested in any I'll happily give you the recipe. I do not use KNF's exact formula...