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  1. Assfluenza


    Waitz a minutez. Yer sayinz yer postz about hating white peoplez are really about black peoplez? So, you ARE the biggezt racizt here. You alwayz sed you were completelyz different in real lifez. Crazy you hadz ta out yerzelf like thiz in dezperationz ta hold on ta any credibilitiez. Rock...
  2. Assfluenza

    Wut can I catch?

    Thankz but thoze guyz are gangzta. I alwayz buy tha weedz but theyz would probably getz pissed. One of tha reasonz why I worriez. Seemz like kissen themz in a way. Could theyz givez me circle cell? What is circle cell?
  3. Assfluenza

    Cancer in our foodz

    monsantoz killing us Why do they do thiz?
  4. Assfluenza

    Wut can I catch?

    I dint knowz two of themz. One had really big lipz and I think hez the one who left the lip jewz. Wut can happenz? How do I getz tested anonomouzly?
  5. Assfluenza

    Who Grows Better Weed ?Men or Women

    Wut? Tell her shez betterz and tell her shez betterz at makin sammichez. Let her do both. No brainerz.
  6. Assfluenza

    Wut can I catch?

    Ma friendz ben supplyinz da dabz and this weekend he had sum friendz and we allz shared the vape. It wuz still wet when I hit it. Wut can I catch?
  7. Assfluenza

    Wutter dabz?

    Iz datz code fer niggra prolemz? Diz guyz okayz most of tha timez. Hez tha only blackz I know. Well, diz other black guyz detailz ma dadz car sometimez but he cant comez in tha houze. Shifty eyez an allz. So thiz black guyz talkz me inta smokinz some dabz. I wuz fugged upz! Canz you getz...
  8. Assfluenza

    Wutter dabz?

    Thanx for tha lessonz justughz. soundz likez smokin meffz or crackz. Ma perntz dont care if i smokez da weedz but if they findz a blow torch and special pipez they will prolly take ma car or worze. III just stikz to tha weedz. I knew that negroz wuz crazy
  9. Assfluenza

    Wutter dabz?

    I didz look upz dabz and it was a bunch of black guyz actin likez they had a cape. TY justughz. I haznt seen dabz yet in Texaz. How much iz it? He tryz to ripz me off alot so Im azking here.
  10. Assfluenza

    Wutter dabz?

    Yer welcumz. Wutter dabz?
  11. Assfluenza

    Wutter dabz?

    You gayz are fagz. The black guyz ok sumtimez but he tried to fuk my momz a couple timez. He wuz cool when we wuz yunger. He stole a bike fer me onze and a gun another time. But thenz he also kept my skriz a couple timez to and didnt givez me ma weedz.
  12. Assfluenza

    Wutter dabz?

    Thiz black guy wanzta sell me dabz. He sez thur better then weedz. He wantzta smoke it with me but I dont trust him.
  13. Assfluenza

    Got guns?

    itz not a clipz, itz a magazine the safez a good place fer yur gunz. when someonez kickz down yer door you just yell "TIMEZ OUT!" and go get it
  14. Assfluenza

    Monsanto Exposed as Source for White Phosphorus Used in Gaza Massacre

    the sturry wuz ritten fer anti semite propogandaz. letz blame the jewz and muricanz! this is terrerizm
  15. Assfluenza

    who else likez Trump

    Trump will be the best president everz r u with me
  16. Assfluenza

    who likez MMA

  17. Assfluenza

    how many ticketz did you by

    lolz. yer poor so u try to drag othurs down to yer level.
  18. Assfluenza

    how many ticketz did you by

    I amz 18
  19. Assfluenza

    who likez MMA

    the UFC needz money so they put this on poor peeplez tv to try to get themz hooked. WWE is better.